Wednesday, December 15, 2010

APA Update

Greetings to all of you!

Year end always provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our successes for the year. Among the many is the success you have achieved with the Annual Pastoral Appeal. I am very pleased with the result thus far having achieved nearly 95% of our goal.

Remembering that our 2010 APA goal is $233,611, thus far 713 of our St. Mark family have pledged $220,995. The average gift is $ 310.00. Many of you have seen fit to support the Appeal even during these hard times. This speaks volumes about our St. Mark family and I am proud of you.

We still have a way to go, however, and I am asking those of you that gave last year to do so again this year. Those of you, who have not given, consider the need of the many ministries the Appeal supports. Thirty eight per cent, the largest portion of your donation supports Parish and Diocesan Ministries, family and life support ministries, multicultural ministries, Scouting and LPMI, just to name a few.

Services to Parishes and Schools, Catholic Formation and Education, Clergy, Religious and Seminarian Support and Vocation and Seminary Educations find support from your APA donations.

Please remember that we are committed to paying the $233,611. Any difference between your donations and the assessment will come from our general revenues. Make your donations directly by using the envelopes available in the Narthex or use a debit/credit card and donate online.

Thank you again for your support and it is my sincerest hope that we will meet our APA goal this year. One of my dreams is to have just one donation from you that will be used to support the different expenses we incur. I pray that this dream will be fulfilled.


Fr. David

Monday, November 22, 2010

Trip Continued/Stewardship Director

Greetings to all of you!

Our travels this week takes us to what I think is one of the most peaceful and beautiful settings in all the world. After leaving Turkey, we visited the region of Galilee in which Jesus spent His early years and most of His adult years growing up. Upon visiting this historic place, one can see why Jesus spent much of His time here, especially with His disciples after the resurrection. We began by visiting the Mount of the Beatitudes where Jesus gave His most inspiring teaching to the multitudes that were gathered on the slope of the hill. Behind them was the Sea of Galilee which goes as far as the eye can see and was the scene of many of the parts in the New Testament. It was there where many of our group took their shoes off and waded in those waters where Jesus performed some of His miracles. I couldn't help but picture in my mind those scenes from scripture where Jesus calmed the storm and where He would sit in a boat and teach just beyond the shore to those willing to listen. After we left there we went to a Kibbutz where we had a wonderful "Gospel meal" consisting of fish from the Sea of Galilee along with some Jewish vegetables and bread. I think I even found a coin in one of the fish! We also visited the area in which Jesus visited after the Resurrection and the spot where He gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom. After we had our meal we went back to the ship, took a nice nap and then prepared for yet another feast for dinner. Next week: Jerusalem!

It also has been a busy week as we have been interviewing candidates for the Director of Stewardship position here at the parish. We had many applications and we currently have begun the interview process. There are some excellent candidates who have applied and we ask for your prayers as we continue the n process. Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Fr. David

Trip to Europe/Golf Tournament

Greetings to all of you!

As promised I wish to give you some more highlights about our trip to Europe. After Greece, we traveled to the country of Turkey and its outstanding beauty! I didn't expect to find that the western part of this country was made up of large mountains and fertile valleys but I was impressed by its peacefulness and beauty. Our first stop was to the ruins of Ephesus where Paul did much of his preaching, and I couldn't get over how progressive and modernistic the people of Ephesus were. The beauty of Ephesus was outstanding with all its marble structures and mosaics even on its sidewalks. We saw where Paul preached in its amphitheater and on some of the rolling hills where I could imagine thousands listening to his every word. We then traveled to a small town way up in the hills where legend has it that Mary, along with the Apostle John, built a small house in which she lived out her remaining days. It's hard to digest what was in front of us as we strode through this modest home and the peace and beauty that surrounded it. We had Mass there just outside her house, and some of us bought religious articles to bring back with us. I simply took in the beauty and tried to imagine Our Lady living here in this peaceful place and upon leaving, I said an "Ave" for you all as we went to the bus down the hill. Next week: Galilee!

Last Sunday we completed our annual St. Mark Golf tournament, and again we all had a marvelous time! God provided us with great weather, and we made some money for our building fund to boot! Of course, I was on the 7th hole again this year as an easy mark for anybody who wanted to "Beat the Priest", and it seemed that the heavy breezes kept many people from fulfilling that quest! I have to say though that my best shot of the day came against my snotty brothers who tried to intimidate me with great shots onto the green. However, I nailed one a few feet away and now I have bragging rights for another year! I thank Chuck and Lois Lewandowski and the golf committee in all their efforts in making this day a great success!

Well that is all for now. Let's enjoy the great weather and keep our Lord close to your heart!


Fr. David

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Journey Continued/Renewal

Fr. David’s Travels:

Greetings to all of you!

I promised many of you that I would write down some thoughts about the parish Pilgrimage" to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt. But rather than bore you with details, I will give you some of the highlights. First of all, we had a wonderful group of people who came on the trip, and we all bonded beautifully and became fast friends by the time it was over. There were some grueling climbs up steep mountains and church steps. I was stunned by the determination of some of our elderly and disabled participants to make sure they made it to the top! Anyway, I'm really glad to be back in the good old U.S of A. What follows are some highlights about what we experienced.

Of course, Italy is always a treasure to behold and experience! My brother, sister-in-law and I spent a lot of time eating pasta and drinking wine. It seems we tried to find Trattorias that served prosciutto, suprasade, olives, cheese, bread, and all the other things we ate growing up. I think we spent more time eating than visiting Rome's sights. However, we all did experience the Vatican Museum, St. Peter's Basilica and a few of the Piazza's of Italy. However, we did have one experience that was so profound when we visited the actual tomb of St. Peter himself. The guide took us underground beneath the Basilica where an excavation took place in the late 1930's and 40's. Although it was said that the Basilica was built over the Tomb of St. Peter, there was never really any evidence of it until now. As the guide took us through what amounted to an ancient cemetery with its road ways and mausoleums, we eventually came across the actual tomb. What was even more startling was that we even got to see the graffiti wall which contained the actual bones of the first Pope himself. It really made my skin tingle with excitement, and I could hardly imagine what I was seeing! If you ever get to Rome, make sure you take in this experience. It will really put you in touch with the early Church! Next week the highlights will include Greece and Turkey.

Also this week we are celebrating Commitment Sunday in which we renew our Commitment to God for the many blessings He has given us. If you didn't bring your commitment form, feel free to pick one up in the narthex of the church and drop it in the collection basket when you are able. May God bless your Stewardship!

I guess that does it for now. Hope you all have a blessed week!


Fr. David

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Greetings to all of you!

What a wonderful time we all experienced last Saturday as we celebrated "Tea with God" here at the parish. Over 80 ladies and some of their young daughters participated in what we hope could be an annual event. We all heard inspiring messages from God and we were treated to some great tea and sandwiches from Maggie's Closet located on Cross Creek Blvd., and, of course, some wonderful desserts, some of which were made by a young lady from our parish who donated her Time, Talent, and Treasure for the event. We even had "Harry Conick Jr." along with Iris Galing and Dr. John Paul Cappa serenade the crowd with "All I Ask of You" from the "Phantom of the Opera" and a rousing rendition of "That’s What Friends are For", in which the audience participated. My many thanks to the Columbiettes and President Darlene Fritz, along with Chairwoman Nancy Larson and her committee for such an outstanding event. I'm looking forward to the next tea already!

As you read this, 30 people from the parish and I are on a plane heading to Rome to minister to the people along the Mediterranean Sea. I will be gone on a few weekends, so in my absence Fr. Ed will be running the parish, and I hope you will give him your full support as he ministers to your needs. I promise to pray for all of you as I visit the Basilica of St. Peter and view the actual bones of this beloved Apostle. Keep us in your prayers also as we embark on this treacherous journey! Hopefully, I'll have lots to tell when I get back.

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Greetings to all of you!

This weekend, we would like to welcome Fr. Len Plazewski, Vocation Director of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Fr. Len will be preaching at all the Masses regarding vocations, and I know for a fact there are a number of young men and women who are interested in pursuing this call by God. Even in our young history, there have been three individuals from our parish who are discerning a vocation and are currently in formation in their respective religious houses. However, we do need young men to look into Diocesan Priesthood to serve our local area and young women to look into religious life. I can't think of a time when it is more needed for our community and nation to have people who will serve in this way. So, if you think that someone in your family or circle of friends has the call to Priesthood or Religious life, let me know! Our Vocation Team headed by Monin Gonzalez is doing great work in promoting it, and I'm so grateful for all their work.

No more golf to report on after the hole-in-one, but since the weather is cooling down a bit, I may decide to chase that little white ball around again. Then again, after a shot like that, what else do I have to shoot for?

Well, it looks like one more week to go before many from our parish along with myself will be visiting the Missions of Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt. I'm sure the people of those countries will be so grateful for our presence as we minister to their needs as only people from St. Mark can do! It will be a huge sacrifice and struggle on our part, but somebody has to venture out from our own safety and preach the word of God. I just hope we can tolerate the many days of being at sea and dining on the grub they usually give you on these big rigs. I have yet to begin to pack! Anyway, pray for us!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tall Tale

Greetings to all of you!

There are some days when you get up in the morning and you wonder what this particular day may bring, and sometimes God decides to brighten your day with a big surprise! Well, last week I decided to drive to Ocala and play some golf with my brothers who live there, and which is becoming a nice routine for us. Well, I got there early and decided to treat them to a round of golf since they are always so generous to me. After playing a few holes, we came to the treacherous par 3 fifth hole, 148 yards long over a huge lake. The wind was brutal, blowing against us, feeling like one of those ocean holes at the British Open! In the lake there was what seemed like hundreds of alligators protecting the green which was surrounded by traps deeper than the baloney you're reading here! (But I digress). Anyway, I pull out my 7 iron at first and my brother Frankie talks me out of it, so I decide to hit the 8. I take a mighty swing ,and the ball rockets toward the green. Meanwhile, I see the alligators jumping up out of the water, chomping at the flying ball, trying to intercept it before it hits the green! At that point the tension was palpable, and I wondered if I was going to get out of there alive. Low and behold an angel from Heaven suddenly swoops down and rescues my golf ball from the monstrous alligators, drops it on the green where a squirrel takes it and drops it in the cup! You guessed it, A HOLE IN ONE!! My brothers jump for joy, and I stood there stunned at the events that just took place! It looked like a scene from a Cecil B. De Mille movie! Anyway, I got back in the clubhouse and bought the whole place a drink, (which consisted of 3 guys at the bar, thank God), and went home on cloud nine. I guess it goes to show what God does for us when we practice Stewardship in our lives. Who knows? Maybe YOU, too, can get a hole in one one day!

Well, that's enough for this week! Enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Heading into Fall

Greetings to all of you!

Wow! I can't believe it's September already! In a month or so, the cool weather will finally arrive and I can get back to golfing, biking, and other outdoor activities that I have long neglected due to the heat. Football is in the air which makes me look forward to a Sunday afternoon of yelling at the television screen, eating potato chips and salsa, and, of course, gaining weight to protect me from the winter cold. I'm going to warn you all right now, if anyone complains about how cold it is on a given day, I will remind you how hot it was this past summer, so you won't get any sympathy from me!

This weekend we also will introduce a new event here at St. Mark called, "Tea Time with God", which will take place later on this month. Men and women are invited to purchase tickets for the event, and I hear there will be a personal appearance by God Himself. I sure hope the tea is good! I've also heard that Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford from “Phantom of the Opera” will also make a special appearance. Tickets will be on sale before and after all the Masses and only 80 will be sold. Make sure you get yours before they run out!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Capital Campaign/Back to School

Greetings to all of you!

As you know, we are continuing to prepare for the Capital Campaign to build a new Church in the winter of 2011. We are continuing to set in place all the specific items we need to accomplish before the Capital Campaign begins in January of 2011. We've had a couple of meetings with the Campaign Cabinet Committee, and we are working closely with Tom Hanrahan from Southeast Advancement Services which is our Fund Raising Consultants, and our architect Alberto Portella. I have also been visiting with potential donors, some who are already part of the campaign strategy, and others that may have the capability to give a large gift. I'm happy to say that we already have over $385,000 cash in our account thus far, and although we have a long way to go to reach $10 million, it certainly is a great start! Continue to pray as we head towards a new chapter in our short history.
Also,this past week some of our young men and women have started school, which is always a hectic time getting back on schedules and all. For the first time, I will be having two of my nieces in Tampa going to college, so it looks like they will be spying on me and reporting back to my brother! However, I'm sure with their schedules, they are going to be extremely busy and won't have the time to spy on Uncle Dave! Let's keep all the school kids in prayer as they start another year and even more for the teachers to be remembered also!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

St. Jude Award

Greetings to all of you!

Well, it has been awhile since I have been able to write this column mostly due to the summer doldrums I guess, but also the hectic pace this summer has been here at St. Mark. I am pleased to announce that the recipients of the Jude Award Medal for St. Mark the Evangelist Church this year are Nancy and Rich Larson! Nancy and Rich have been outstanding stewards from the very beginning of our parish and we are so blessed to have had this wonderful couple serving us at St. Mark for these many years. Many of you most likely know them or, at least, have seen their faces on many committees and leadership positions, so I know you will agree that they are very deserving of this outstanding award. Now if only we can get Rich to fix that loop in his golf swing, he would be an even more perfect candidate! Anyway, offer them your congratulations and thanks for all they have accomplished here. They will be receiving the award from Bishop Lynch on the Feast of Christ the King in November. Ad Multos Annos to the Larsons!
This year’s Vacation Bible School was once again a HUGE success as children experienced a "road tour" of various ways of life in our country. It was so successful that some moms asked me if we could do it for two weeks next year! I'm not sure if we have the energy to make that happen, but I'm glad to hear that the kids loved it. I would like to thank Sandra Bonilla, Claudia Garcia, and all those volunteers who made this such a successful event. Hopefully, when we get our new Church, we will have much more room to accommodate those children who were not able to attend due to space limitations. I'm looking forward to next year already!
Finally, I did get a chance to play golf with my three brothers this past week at a club called Golden Ocala. What a wonderful course to play in which some of the holes are replicas of holes from Augusta National and St. Andrews, among others. I didn't play real well on the front nine (51), but I regrouped and played the back nine in three over 38! What's really amazing is that the 5 or 6 replica holes on the back nine I played in even par. Go figure! Playing with my brothers is always a treat since nothing is ever left unsaid and one needs a pretty thick skin to endure a round with them! My brother Joe, whom we affectionately call "Bulldozer" doesn't let us get away with anything. When my brother Phil, whom we call the "stargazer" told Joe he had a "9 or 10" on a hole, Bulldozer promptly put down 10 on the score card! No mercy there I guess! All in all, it was a great day (although a hot one, I almost wilted on the 17th) and we may play again somewhere this week. Pray for me!

Well that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other!


Fr. David

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Wheel Chair Sunday"

Greetings to all of you!

Wow! What a tremendous display of generosity that St. Mark’s parishioners again showed to a need! Last week, we celebrated “Wheelchair Sunday”, in which a presentation was made on behalf of the Knights of Columbus for wheelchairs to veterans and the needy throughout the world. Christopher Lewis, son of the famous Jerry Lewis, was here to make the appeal and you came through in grand style! Over $20,000 was collected, and this will go a long way in providing wheelchairs to those who cannot afford one. Despite difficult economic times, your stewardship knows no bounds! Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for introducing this to our parish, and I thank all of you once again for coming through when the need is so evident! I know God will bless us all!
I finally did get on the golf course last week, and despite playing through the summer heat, my game was the best I've played in a few years. I played with two young bucks who hit the ball amazingly long, but in the end it was accuracy and experience that won the day! I'm not sure what transpired, but the ball seemed to go straight for once, and my putts were finding the hole. Maybe I should take three months off more often since I play so well when I lay off for awhile. Anyway, I did teach those young bucks a lesson, and I'm sure they're going to be after me from now on. I say, "bring it on!"
This coming weekend, the Men's Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) will be conducting their retreat, and we pray for all the men who will be attending this life changing event. Keep them in your thoughts as they continue their journey to a closer relationship with the God who is so good to us!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

Monday, June 21, 2010

APA Update

Greetings to all of you!

Before we head into the summer season I want to extend my sincerest thanks to all the APA donors listed in this week’s bulletin. Due to your generous giving I am happy to report that we are well ahead of last year’s June 2009 totals.
Remembering that our 2010 APA goal is $233,611, thus far we have reached 68.79% of our goal with $160,693 pledged. The average gift is $275.63 above last year while the participation level of 26% is about the same. Many of you have seen fit to support the Appeal even during these hard times. This speaks volumes about our St. Mark family and I am proud of you.
We still have a way to go, however, and I am asking those of you that gave last year to again do so this year. Those of you who have not given, consider the need of the many ministries the Appeal supports. Thirty eight per cent, the largest portion of your donation, supports Parish and Diocesan Ministries, family and life support ministries, multicultural ministries, Scouting and LPMI, just to name a few. Services to Parishes and Schools, Catholic Formation and Education, Clergy, Religious and Seminarian Support and Vocation and Seminary Educations find support from your APA donations.
Please remember that we are committed to paying the $233,611. Any difference between your donations and the assessment will come from our general revenues. This means that there is less money available to provide services to you and your children. Imagine if the remaining 74% of you gave, we would be well over our goal and not have to take anything from the offertory! Make your donations directly by using the envelopes available in the Narthex or use a debit/credit card and donate online.
Thank you again for your support and it is my sincerest hope that we will meet our APA goal this year. Remember that one of my dreams is to have just one donation from you that will be used to support the different expenses we incur. I pray that this dream will be fulfilled.


Fr. David

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Greetings to all of you!

This month is the time for graduations and it seems I have been going to a few of them lately that really were a momentous event in the life of the graduate and their families. It's always exciting to see a young person finish one part of their life while moving on in a whole new direction. This year one of my favorite nieces will be graduating high school and it really wouldn't be that special except for the fact that she is the dreaded "middle child" and has had to endure the great achievements of her sisters and brother before and after her. However, in the last few years she has blossomed into one of the best volleyball players in the state and, even better, she has developed into a sweet, sincere, and loving young woman. So I guess I can be excused a little for bragging about her accomplishments despite her difficult journey in still a very young life. It will be interesting to see what college brings and just maybe she will be one of those superstars and take care of her old Uncle David in his old age. So, congratulations to all our St. Mark graduates and please know that like Jesus, we will always be here to love and support you in whatever journey your life leads you!
Now that it's getting hot, I've been reluctant to take out the racing bike and journey around Flatwoods Park. However, I need to be a little less of a wimp and get myself back out there despite the blazing debilitating sun! Thanks to all of you that sent me little tricks you use to deal with the heat. I'll have to try them and see what happens! I also need to get back hitting some golf balls since my brothers are getting lessons and gunning for me the next time we play together. I think I'm in big trouble on all fronts!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Family Pic Nic/Confirmation

Greetings to all of you!

First of all, what a wonderful time we experienced during our first annual parish picnic organized by the Stewardship Commission. Over 500 people came, and although it was a little warm, we were delighted by all the food, soft drinks, games, etc. that made this event one of our highlights of the year. There are so many groups to thank, but I would like to especially thank the Knights of Columbus for all their work in setting up and cooking all that food and Julio Dones and the Stewardship Commission for all their work in making this happen. Good job everyone, and I hope next year God gives us a nice cool day!

Last Sunday, 97 young men and women received Confirmation here at St. Mark with Abbot Isaac presiding. The church was packed with relatives and friends from far and wide gathering for this beautiful ceremony. It is always a great feeling to see these young people complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church as they go out into the world and live this Gospel of Love!

We are currently underway in the “soft” phase of our Capital Campaign for a new Church building and thus far those who have been asked to help financially and with their talents are doing it with enthusiasm! If things go well during this phase, we hope to kick off the campaign in January of 2011. What an exciting time for us here at St. Mark! I ask for your prayers and support when the time comes. We are growing so fast and our area needs a prominent spiritual home, especially during these difficult economic times. Let’s make this happen for our families!

Now that it is getting hotter outside, I’m trying to find creative ways to ride my bike and still remain cool. If anyone has any advice, feel free to let me know since I usually wimp out when it gets too hot!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May Crowning/Capital Campaign

Greetings to all of you!

In this month of Mary I’m sure you have witnessed many graced moments during this particular time as we celebrate First Communions, Ordinations, Confirmations, May Crownings, Mother’s Day, etc. during this busy month. I’m sure Our Lady smiles at us from Heaven as we use this month to remember her in many special ways as the Great Mother of our Dear Lord. Her constant “yes” to God truly made all of this happen for our benefit. May she continue to be honored as our own Mother and have a special place in our hearts!

Last week we had our Cabinet Meeting for those who came forward to help us organize our desire for a new Church. It seems like things are moving well thus far, and it promises to be an exciting year when we kick off the Capital Campaign in January of 2011. The new Church designs look outstanding, but more importantly, we are in the early stages of making St. Mark The Evangelist parish one that will touch the hearts and souls of many in the New Tampa community who are seeking hope and stability in a world that offers neither. I hope and pray that a new Church will not only bring people to Christ but it will unite us as brothers and sisters in Christ and be effective instruments of God’s love. Keep up the praying and, by-the-way, if anyone hits the lottery, please contact me immediately!

A few weeks ago I bought a new racing bike after riding a road bike that was over 12 years old and badly needing a major tune up. It seemed every time I took that road bike out on Flatwoods Park, I could barely make it around the loop without falling into a heap of exhaustion. Now with this new racing bike, I’ve been going twice around the loop and passing people who used to blow right by me snickering as they saw this poor pathetic creature peddling so hard. I even bought a helmet and now I look like one of those professional racers! Unfortunately, with speed sometimes mishaps come with it. I did crash into a bridge banister a couple of weeks ago and scraped my arm and bruised the side of my body. I was fine but my ego took a huge beating! Now I can say with all sincerity that I am indeed one of them (those racers) as I now have my own “badge of honor” to prove it! Pray for me!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

May Crowning/Capital Campaign

Greetings to all of you!

In this month of Mary I’m sure you have witnessed many graced moments during this particular time as we celebrate First Communions, Ordinations, Confirmations, May Crownings, Mother’s Day, etc. during this busy month. I’m sure Our Lady smiles at us from Heaven as we use this month to remember her in many special ways as the Great Mother of our Dear Lord. Her constant “yes” to God truly made all of this happen for our benefit. May she continue to be honored as our own Mother and have a special place in our hearts!

Last week we had our Cabinet Meeting for those who came forward to help us organize our desire for a new Church. It seems like things are moving well thus far, and it promises to be an exciting year when we kick off the Capital Campaign in January of 2011. The new Church designs look outstanding, but more importantly, we are in the early stages of making St. Mark The Evangelist parish one that will touch the hearts and souls of many in the New Tampa community who are seeking hope and stability in a world that offers neither. I hope and pray that a new Church will not only bring people to Christ but it will unite us as brothers and sisters in Christ and be effective instruments of God’s love. Keep up the praying and, by-the-way, if anyone hits the lottery, please contact me immediately!

A few weeks ago I bought a new racing bike after riding a road bike that was over 12 years old and badly needing a major tune up. It seemed every time I took that road bike out on Flatwoods Park, I could barely make it around the loop without falling into a heap of exhaustion. Now with this new racing bike, I’ve been going twice around the loop and passing people who used to blow right by me snickering as they saw this poor pathetic creature peddling so hard. I even bought a helmet and now I look like one of those professional racers! Unfortunately, with speed sometimes mishaps come with it. I did crash into a bridge banister a couple of weeks ago and scraped my arm and bruised the side of my body. I was fine but my ego took a huge beating! Now I can say with all sincerity that I am indeed one of them (those racers) as I now have my own “badge of honor” to prove it! Pray for me!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Congratulations/Annual Family Pic Nic

Greetings to all of you!

As I sit here writing this article, I can’t help but be swelled with pride at three of our members of St. Mark parish who had participated in a National-level Financial Literacy Test. Over 76,000 students from across the United States participated in the test and these three members earned scores in the top 20% of the entire nation. They are John Riccardi, Scott Fleming and Dion Larson! The Department of the U.S. Treasury will then select 20 students from this 20% and will award each student $1000. In addition, Dion Larson achieved a perfect score of 100% on this National exam and is one of only 500 people to do so! Congratulations to Scott, John, and Dion, we are so proud of you!!

Last Saturday we had our annual Ministerial Leadership Informational Meeting in which we discussed the workings of the Pastoral Council and the various goals and objectives we have laid out for the next 5-10 years. Leaders from most of the ministries in our parish came together to hear some exciting news as we head into the future of our parish, and they were told of their importance in making much of this happen. We were also shown the latest plans for our new Church, which was truly a high point! I was very impressed by their enthusiasm and determination in the planning process of St. Mark, and we look forward to even better things as Jesus once promised us!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vacation/APA/Capital Campaign/Holy Land Trip

Greetings to all of you!

I’m now back from a short vacation after Easter and, of course, lots of things will be happening in the next few weeks and beyond. Last Saturday, I was able to attend part of the Confirmation retreat with our youth at the Bethany Center. The retreat center is such a great place to get away from the world and all its stresses and be quiet for just a little while. We are so fortunate to have a place like this very near to us in Lutz. Anyway, while there I got the chance to hear confessions, have dinner, and then Mass with our young men and women. Every time I attend an event such as this, I am always amazed at the outstanding youth we have here at St. Mark. They are deeply spiritual and actually care about their world and the faith in which they have been brought up. Their families have done an excellent job in raising such wonderful young men and women!

It has been awhile since you heard from me regarding our Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) and I wish to take this opportunity to update you on our progress thus far and express the importance of reaching our goal of $233,611. Appeal contributions support a variety of causes in our diocese that one parish alone would not be able to handle, such as, Parish and Diocesan ministries, temporal affairs, service to parishes and schools, Catholic Formation and Education of adults, seminarian support, and Social Services/Catholic Charities. So far nearly 500 families have pledged over $134,000 towards our goal and we are almost half way finished for the year. Please, if you haven’t given to the Appeal, I pray that you will because not only does it support so many different areas, but it also helps St. Mark in the process. For every dollar that you contribute is one LESS dollar we have to take from operating funds to meet our assessment. In a couple of weeks I am inviting Shelia Lopez, CEO of Catholic Charities to speak to us about where your sacrifices go to support the ministry of the Gospel. Pledge envelopes are in the Narthex and if you have already contributed, I thank you with a sincere heart!

We continue to work on our plans for a Capital Campaign in January of 2011 when we will begin raising money for our much needed Church. More news will be forthcoming!
I did get on the golf course last Friday for one of those miracle moments when things actually were going well. I lost only one ball and scored in the middle 80’s for the first time in awhile. Maybe this might be a good year after all.

Also, only two cabins remain for our Trip to the Holy Land in October. They tell me this week is the last week to book since the ship is full. Give me a call if you wish more information or wish to go. Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thanks for your help!

Greetings as we begin another week!

As we approach the holy time of Easter, I would like to express my love and appreciation to all of you for making my experience here at St. Mark a time of joy, thanksgiving, and yes, of resurrection! We priests also struggle with being good Christian people and we experience disappointment and frustration at the way things are and feel helpless to make it better. However, the people here at St. Mark have shown me time and again the power of faith in overcoming great obstacles by your thoughtfulness and desire to make things happen. Rarely, have I seen such a great effort by so many, and for that I am so thankful to be your Pastor. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else and I look forward to even greater things in our future! Be assured of my prayers for all of you during this Holy time.

This Monday, I will have participated in a fundraiser to benefit the golf team at the University of South Florida which is my Alma Mater. I’m a little nervous since I haven’t been out in awhile and I have been partnered with Vinnie Testaverde, the former quarterback for the Bucs! I’m not sure what kind of game I’ll bring to the course, but I just am thrilled to play with a nice person such as he. I just hope I can keep control of my language as I hack it around. I’ll let you know how I do in the next column.

As of this writing, we still have a few cabins left for our trip to Europe and the Holy Land in October. If you haven’t made your mind up just yet, I would recommend you do it soon before the cabins are gone. You can reach Binnie at Tampa Palms Travel at 813-514-1507. This is a once in a lifetime trip and I promise it will be one that you will remember always. In addition, what a great opportunity to walk the land of Jesus with your parish family!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!


Fr. David

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mission/Pastoral Council

Greetings to all of you!

Next week is our annual Parish Mission with Fr. John Murray as our retreat Master. What a great gift to give yourself and your loved ones by taking advantage of this opportunity for spiritual growth. I’m looking forward to listening to his presentation. Please remember we will also will have our Parish Penance Service on Tuesday night, March 23rd, within the retreat itself. Just imagine how ready you will be for that great Easter Sacrament where we celebrate with great wonder the resurrection of Jesus Christ! I hope you will come!
No golf to report on again this week since the rains wiped away any chance to play. However, at least my grass and what flowers that were left after the freezes are beginning to come back to life. Hmm, maybe there might be a homily in there somewhere!

I have been meeting with the Pastoral Council these last few months in which we are putting together some goals and objectives for the future of St. Mark Parish. We will be having a Ministry Workshop on April 24th, in which all heads of the parish ministries will be invited to attend an informational meeting to discuss these issues. A letter will be coming from me to all ministry heads with all the details. I am so proud of what our Pastoral Council has accomplished these past years and it is looking like St. Mark will continue to be one of the premier parishes in the Diocese as we head into the future.

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Parish Mission/Ministries

Greetings to all of you!

Although it has been pretty cool out there for the last few weeks, I have really been enjoying the winter so far! Don’t get me wrong, I hate the cold just about as much as anybody, but for me it sure beats 90 degree weather during the summer! I guess it’s one of those Lent things where I’m trying to be more content with the happenings of my life. I just wish it would carry over to my golf game!

Next week we will have Fr. John Murray here to give a parish mission as we prepare for Holy Week coming the week after. Just a side note: Fr. Murray is the brother of our Youth Minister Mary Ann Weigel! So if you know Mary Ann, you will agree that this is going to be one heck of a retreat!

The Knights keep breaking all kinds of records for their Fish Frys during Lent. Last week they sold over 553 dinners not to mention all the free dinners they fed me! Anyway, keep it coming guys!
Coming in the latter part of April, our Pastoral Council will be holding a workshop for all the leaders of our parish ministries. In it we will explain the purpose of the Council in addition to some goals and objectives we feel we need to accomplish in the coming years. I hope all the leaders will be able to come to it! More information will be forthcoming. I’m so proud of all our ministries as we all take ownership of our great parish!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift of each other!


Fr. David

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Easter Season

Greetings to all of you!

Since Lent has started we have been going from one function to another in preparation for the Easter celebration. Last Saturday a group of parishioners and I attended a dinner for the benefit of Catholic Education. Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop from New York gave an uplifting presentation on the importance of Catholic Education and the great leaders it has produced. I also found out that he is a NY Yankee fan, (well he should be), which surprised me since he was from St. Louis. Anyway, I was thrilled that so many of our own were there to represent St. Mark and there were over 540 people in attendance. Bishop Lynch was also there despite his illness and he is looking better and better as the days and months go on.

The following Sunday, our Catechumens and Candidates traveled to St. Jude Cathedral for the Rite of Election and were welcomed by Bishop Lynch in a packed Cathedral. This year there were over 1,060 Catechumens and Candidates from around the Diocese who are looking to enter full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. I was proud to see a good number of participants from our own St. Mark who will be coming into the Church this year. I’m sure they were overjoyed meeting the Bishop for the first time. Continue to pray for them as they take the additional steps in the coming months.

As the days get a little warmer, I’m hoping to get out to the Links real soon. My oldest brother, Joe, has been trash talking with me for a month now thinking he can outscore me due to the golf lessons he has been taking. However, one can never overlook the power of intimidation and persuasion when it comes to this crazy game. My poor brother continues to get intimidated by my twin brother and me whenever we play. Hopefully, I can let you know how the game turned out when we play next time.

Well, that is all for now. I hope your Lent is going well thus far and I pray that you will continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

APA/Small Christian Communities/Cruise

Greetings to all of you!

This weekend is an important one for St. Mark Parish as we begin the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) again for the year 2010. I say it’s important in that we have been given the responsibility by Christ to go and comfort the poor, the broken hearted, and make disciples of all people. The APA does that and more for the people of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and our parish of St. Mark has always been generous! I thank you for last year’s record giving to this appeal in the amount of $180,000 and I ask and pray that you will be as generous with this year’s appeal. God will bless your generosity!

Also coming up during Lent is the gathering of Small Christian Communities in which the Scriptures are read and life experiences are spoken about. It truly is an enriching experience, and I promise it will deepen this great mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. Sign up is available after all the Masses, and time is limited so I hope you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

As some of you may know, in October we will be cruising the Mediterranean once again, but this time making stops in Israel, walking in the footsteps of Jesus and continuing on to the great city of Alexandria, with additional stops in Greece and Turkey. If you’re interested in going, information is available on our website or you can call the office for details. We have only 20 cabins reserved and they’re going fast so sign up soon before they’re sold out.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has giving us in each other.


Fr. David

Friday, January 22, 2010


Greetings to all of you!

I’m sure by now that everyone has been inundated with requests for help to the people of Haiti, and it truly is an inspiring outpouring of love and support that people from around the world are offering this devastated country. We began collecting here at the Church last week and we will continue to do so this week. So if you want to be sure your offerings go to the right place, we will make that happen. All the Diocesan collections for Haiti go through the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) program established by the Catholic Church to support the poor and suffering. Thank you to all who have contributed to this fund and we continue to pray for the people of Haiti.

Last week, men from our parish experienced another Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), and again lives are being changed! I heard some powerful presentations, and many were moved by the experience. I’m so proud of Team 4 for putting together another great retreat, and I pray for the men of CRHP 5 as they continue their journey in deepening their relationship to Christ! The Women’s CRHP is next and it, too, promises more miracles!

I visited last Thursday with the people of the RCIA who are taking steps to learn more of the Catholic Church, and hopefully, become full-fledged Catholics at the Easter Vigil. I was touched at their attentiveness and their desire to learn more about our faith! Their questions were very thought provoking, and I’m thrilled that they are looking forward to coming into our parish family. We are honored to have them with us!
Lastly, since the Giants are out of the playoffs, I’m rooting for the Jets to go all the way! It’s going to be hard fought, the guys in Green will prevail, God willing!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Season/Upcoming Events

Greetings to all of you!

It seems like forever since I have been able to write to you due to the bulletin holiday schedule, and now I hope we can get back to a more normal one. Again, this year we had another wonderful Christmas at St. Mark. I appreciate all those who made this wondrous event so memorable. There are so many people behind the scenes that make it all happen, and I am so thankful for all their support and hard work. What a great way to end the year!

As we look forward to 2010, I pray that we will have an even greater year as we move forward here at St. Mark. We are currently laying down plans to raise funds for a new church beginning with a Capital Campaign in January of 2011, which I am looking forward to getting started. Our Pastoral Council is involved in some strategic planning that will tweak the way we do things here in a variety of ways. My hope and prayer for 2010 is that our parish family will continue to deepen their relationship with God through our embracement of the Stewardship way of life. Keep an eye out for some wonderful adult and child educational opportunities and, of course, spiritual retreats and programs. All in all, it looks like another life-giving year at St. Mark, and I hope you take advantage of some or all of them.

In October of this year, we are looking to do another Parish Cruise around the Mediterranean beginning in Rome and making stops in Jerusalem, Alexandria Egypt, Ephesus, Athens, and more. Keep tuned to the parish bulletin and our web-site for further information. It promises to be another great adventure!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David