Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Journey Continued/Renewal

Fr. David’s Travels:

Greetings to all of you!

I promised many of you that I would write down some thoughts about the parish Pilgrimage" to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt. But rather than bore you with details, I will give you some of the highlights. First of all, we had a wonderful group of people who came on the trip, and we all bonded beautifully and became fast friends by the time it was over. There were some grueling climbs up steep mountains and church steps. I was stunned by the determination of some of our elderly and disabled participants to make sure they made it to the top! Anyway, I'm really glad to be back in the good old U.S of A. What follows are some highlights about what we experienced.

Of course, Italy is always a treasure to behold and experience! My brother, sister-in-law and I spent a lot of time eating pasta and drinking wine. It seems we tried to find Trattorias that served prosciutto, suprasade, olives, cheese, bread, and all the other things we ate growing up. I think we spent more time eating than visiting Rome's sights. However, we all did experience the Vatican Museum, St. Peter's Basilica and a few of the Piazza's of Italy. However, we did have one experience that was so profound when we visited the actual tomb of St. Peter himself. The guide took us underground beneath the Basilica where an excavation took place in the late 1930's and 40's. Although it was said that the Basilica was built over the Tomb of St. Peter, there was never really any evidence of it until now. As the guide took us through what amounted to an ancient cemetery with its road ways and mausoleums, we eventually came across the actual tomb. What was even more startling was that we even got to see the graffiti wall which contained the actual bones of the first Pope himself. It really made my skin tingle with excitement, and I could hardly imagine what I was seeing! If you ever get to Rome, make sure you take in this experience. It will really put you in touch with the early Church! Next week the highlights will include Greece and Turkey.

Also this week we are celebrating Commitment Sunday in which we renew our Commitment to God for the many blessings He has given us. If you didn't bring your commitment form, feel free to pick one up in the narthex of the church and drop it in the collection basket when you are able. May God bless your Stewardship!

I guess that does it for now. Hope you all have a blessed week!


Fr. David