Friday, December 6, 2013

A lot of activity around the office

 Greetings to all of you!
As we get closer to Christmas, there has been a lot of activity around the office in preparing to make this great celebration a memorable one. As you know, during Christmas Eve and Christmas day there are always a huge influx of people coming to Church. Unfortunately, due to our lack of space, many people simply have to stand outside in the Piazza to "attend" Mass. This year, to make it a somewhat better experience, we are putting up a tent outside so that the overflow can be better accommodated. Thus, two live Masses, one starting at 4;10 pm on Christmas Eve, and one 10;40 am on Christmas day will be celebrated in the tent this year. I hope that will relieve some of the foot traffic in the building and give people a better Mass experience. At least that's the idea and I hope it works, so spread the word!
In addition, we will be giving out books and CD's written by Matthew Kelly called "The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic". According to the book, those four signs are: Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization. After discussing this with the Stewardship and Advisory Board, we have agreed to follow Matthew Kelly's advice and implement this program in our parish. Each year we will be studying each characteristic so we can better disciples of Christ. Thus, beginning in January, we will begin to implement the aspect of prayer in our lives. Watch the bulletin for prayer experiences that will be offered here at St. Mark. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the entire  parish became more prayerful after this year is over? We will show you how it can be done even in a busy schedule! So I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.
Well, that is all for now. I still have lots of shopping to do and less time to do it. Hopefully I can maintain my advent peace!

Fr. David


Monday, November 25, 2013

"What an experience!"

Greetings to all of you!

Well I recently got back from the National Catholic Youth Convention (NCYC) in Indianapolis and I have to say, "What an experience!" Over 23,000 young people and adults gathered together in Lucas Oil stadium, the home of the Colts, singing and praising the Lord! The speakers were so informative and the teenagers and I were mesmerized by some of the stories we heard. To me, one of the highlights of the weekend was the closing Mass in which I was able to concelebrate along with over 200 priests with the Archbishop of Indianapolis who reminded me of the actor John Goodman. After communion, there was a moment of silence. Suddenly, to my astonishment, all of the teenagers in the stadium arose from their seats and began to scream and applaud Jesus Christ! Then the priests got to their feet followed by over 30 bishops clapping and yelling. It was the most amazing experience I have ever seen. This went on for a full five minutes until the Archbishop finally began to say the prayer after communion. I thought to myself, "only the youth can bring out the inner child of a bishop!" But the most precious moments of the weekend for me was spending time with our youth from St. Mark. They are incredible people with extraordinary faith and I was so thrilled watching them embrace their Catholic faith with so many others their age. I wished we had this experience when I was their age, maybe the world would be a better place. But I have been bitten by hope after seeing this young Church become an example for us older folk. I'd like to thank our Youth Minister, MaryAnn Weigel, for her leadership and keeping us all in line. Also, the chaperones who gave of their time, talent, and treasure in making this experience an awesome one to behold. At this point I'm exhausted after trying to keep up with all this energy of youth, but deeply satisfied and fulfilled to have been part of their lives at least for a few days. NCYC meets again in two years at the same location. I hope and pray that more teens will be able to join us in 2015 and experience this remarkable sight! Save your pennies! It is well worth the investment.



Fr. David

Sunday, November 17, 2013

National Youth Covention

Greetings to all of you!

As you read this, I will be in Indianapolis, Indiana attending the National Youth Convention! Every two years this event is celebrated by over 20 thousand youth throughout the country and what a great experience to see so many of our young Church praising God! I am so looking forward to being there!
Also this weekend, two of our very own will be receiving the St.Jude Award Medal from Bishop Lynch at the Cathedral of St. Jude! Frank and Rosemary Laura were picked this year as the outstanding Stewards of St. Mark! We are so very blessed to have this great couple in our midst giving so much of their time and talent to our great parish. They will be the reigning King and Queen of St. Mark for the next year. Congratulations to you!
We are still in countdown mode for the ground breaking of our new Church. As you know, permits and my first born are usually required up front before this can happen. I will try to keep you posted.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to pray for the people of the Philippines.

Fr. David

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Presided over the wedding of my niece

Greetings to all of you!
As you read this I will have presided over the wedding of my niece Amanda, who is the daughter of my twin brother Frank and his wife, Terri. Moments like these always reaffirm my decision to go into the priesthood and thus be privileged to be a special part in important family life events. We have family coming in from all over to be here and it portends to be a fun event since it has been awhile since I've seen them. The wedding will be in a Catholic Church in Ybor City so I just hope nobody from the family ends up in the slammer after it's all over!
This week we also welcome Fr. Diego who will be working part-time for us mostly with the Spanish ministry. Fr. Diego comes to us from Our Lady of the Rosary and he will be splitting his time between both parishes. He will be here at St. Mark on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and we are thrilled to have him with us! When you see him, give Father a warm St. Mark welcome.
In addition it seems the Holy Spirit is working over time here lately. Not only have we been given permission to break ground and welcomed a new priest, we also have been blessed with individuals who are contemplating the Priesthood and Religious life. Next week, some of them will be traveling to St. John Vianney Seminary in Miami to spend a weekend seeing what it's all about. Please continue to pray for them and for all those who are being called to a religious vocation. God is indeed working here at St. Mark and I hope one day in the near future to have their First Mass here in the new Church!
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless the people of St. Mark parish!

Fr. David

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Miraculous Week

Greetings to all of you!
What a miraculous week it has been for us at St. Mark! As you know, we have been cleared by the Diocese to break ground on our new Church and I am still in a daze. The people of our parish have stepped in with great generosity to make this happen and I am so grateful to you and to God for this wonderful grace! I pray for your continued support during this process and I look forward to the day when this Church will be a reality. It just goes to show how persistence in prayer and a true focus on doing God's work will make this happen. Never give up!
It looks like Eric the Lion doesn't want to get up on the bell tower platform. I think he's thrilled with all the attention he has gotten down below and doesn't want to leave! However, he may not get his wish and I hope soon he will be lifted so he can watch over New Tampa a little better. It seems the powers that be wish to make sure of his security up there and ours down below, so keep watching!
Last week I attended a workshop called "Fortunate Families" in which the topic of discussion dealt with parents who have a of Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, or transgenderd child. I have to say how eye opening it was for me to see how parents deal with issues that affect those so closest to them. I was so impressed by the honesty of these parents and how they had to finally come to acceptance although it wasn't an easy path. There was a quote that struck me, "When children finally come out of the closet, many parents go in." In light of the words of Pope Francis that we should not judge, I thought the day was an uplifting experience for those attending and those children and parents need our prayers and acceptance. If anyone needs more information on this workshop, feel free to email or call me at the office.
Well that is all for now. May God continue to bless St. Mark and the wonderful people who make it all happen!

Fr. David

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lots happening at St. Mark

Greetings to all of you!
Lots of things have been happening lately at St. Mark which has kept me quite busy! A few weeks ago the SMARTS group put together a fundraiser for our Youth Ministry to help some of our youth attend the National Youth Convention held every two years. This year it is in Indianapolis and thousands of Catholic youth throughout the country gather together to praise God for all His blessings. I will be attending with them this year and I'm looking so forward to this moving event. It's always amazing to see all these young men and women on fire for God. It truly is a life changing moment for many of them! I'm also thrilled that the "more experienced" members of our parish are willing to help out our youth. It's a great testament of our connectedness in Christ.
Last week was the Annual Convocation for Priests of our Diocese held at the Bethany Center in Lutz. This year Catholic Relief Services put on an impressive presentation on all that CRS does for the world in terms of aid to the most needy. We, as Catholics, continue to lead the world in providing for the needy as the Gospel demands. Catholic Social teaching is also the impetus behind this great organization and I hope every Catholic educates themselves on the beauty of this teaching so we can bring people to Christ.
We also celebrated Oktoberfest last Saturday night and it turned out to be a great night for dining and dancing. I even saw some "break-dancing" going on as I looked on at the dance floor! The brats were also very good and I'd like to thank the Knights for another outstanding job! I just hope next year they can keep me away from the funnel cake booth!
Well, that is all for now. It looks like this football season will be a downer since the Bucs and Giants have yet to win a game. Maybe I need to perform a blessing for them to get rid of all the evil spirits! A fall trip to NY would also be a good thing too!

Fr. David

Sunday, September 22, 2013

That "Fall Feeling"


Greetings to all of you!
I'm beginning to get that "fall feel" as we begin to head into October!  This time of year is always my favorite since I know that cooler weather is just around the corner and we celebrate some major holidays.  In addition, my golf clubs have been screaming to go out and play so I better get out on the golf course soon or they may abandon me for someone else.  At least my bike has been getting a little workout as it rides through the beautiful paths of Flatwoods Park.  It feels great passing through the natural preserve and one almost forgets we live in a city.  Besides, it's also where I sense God's presence all around me and brings me a feeling of peace.  
Speaking of changes in the weather, it seems that there is some change in the air regarding our Catholic Church.  I have been moved by the way Pope Francis has approached some important topics regarding abortion, homosexuality, and other hot button issues that we face as Catholics. His style is one of mercy rather than of condemnation and I really see the Church reaching out to those who seemed to have felt ostracized by our Church in prior years.  Nothing he has said goes against Church teaching, but the way he handles the issue is definitely different.  His nonjudgmental attitude and merciful love reminds me of another man who lived over 2000 years ago.  I really think more people are coming back to the Church because of him and I am thrilled that we have such a pastoral Pope.  Let's keep praying for this wonderful man!
What a great response we have been having with our Capital Campaign!  We are close and I know we will get there by the end of the year.  If you haven't pledged just yet, please do so!  We also have pews left over to memorialize along with other items.  If you can't pledge, please pray!  We need your participation!
Well, that is all of now.  May God bless you for your goodness!
Fr. David

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Structural Changes

Greetings to all of you!
As many of you know, we have been undergoing some structural changes regarding the administration and ministries here at St. Mark. I'm finally prepared to share the names of those Stewards who will be part of the new Parish Stewardship and Advisory Board. This particular board will act in an advisory capacity to me and they will deal with issues affecting our parish along with being the eyes, ears, and voice of the parish community. I am happy to announce the following individuals who have agreed to serve on this board: Chairperson--Rolando Lopez with Warren and Mary Dietz as co-chairs. Andy and Sandra Silecchia, Deacon Jose Moronta, Harry Thomas, Hector and Pati Rios, Jim and Lynn Thomas, Monin Gonzalez, Pat Fehey, Julio Dones, and Paul Pita. 
I am also happy to announce that Mary Strickland has agreed to come on staff as our new Ministry Coordinator. Mary will be the "go-to" person for all of our non-staff ministries in the parish. This will lead to greater communication and support for all the ministries of our parish and she will be the conduit for them to our office. Mary will answer to our Assistant General Manager, Claudia Garcia and I'm thrilled that St. Mark will be served by this gifted leader. Welcome aboard, Mary, and I offer my prayers and thanks for all those who have agreed to serve St. Mark.

As you read this I will be speaking at all the Masses regarding our Capital Campaign for a new Church. WE ARE VERY CLOSE! I pray that those of you who have been waiting to see what happens will finally jump on the bandwagon and make this happen! I'm so pleased and thankful that many of you have upped your pledge or agreed to pay off your pledge early. This has really helped to get us at that crucial 50% figure that will determine when we break ground. I will be having a video from our website to explain where we are in case you need more information or wish to share this information with those who haven't heard it. Again, keep us in your prayers, the time is coming!
Well, that is all for now. May God bless you for your goodness to Him!
Fr. David

Monday, August 19, 2013

St. Jude Award Medal

Greetings to all of you!
I am thrilled to announce that the recipient of this year's St. Jude Award Medal for outstanding service to the Church of St. Mark is Frank and Rose Lauro! This great couple have been members of St. Mark since the beginning of this parish and have given generously of their time, talent, and treasure for so many years! They will be awarded the St.Jude Medal by Bishop Lynch on the Feast of Christ the King in November. We offer them congratulations and a huge thank you for all their great work!
You may have noticed the ushers have new shirts to identify them when they are serving at Mass. These bone color, lightweight shirts, are both functional and dressy and were paid for by the ushers themselves. I've got my order in already and they tell me that they may also change colors during the liturgical year. What a wonderful and committed group of men, women, and children who serve our parish in quiet, yet very important ways. My many thanks to them for their crucial role in our parish Masses!
Well it looks like Fr. Ed will be returning this week to Tampa from his trip to Mexico! He is quite a fixture there saying Mass for the sisters and visiting the sick in his neighborhood. I'm sure they miss him when he's not there but I also know I'm glad when he comes back! Welcome home Fr. Ed!
Well, that is all for now. It looks like football season begins in a couple of weeks so I'm starting my Novena for the Giants now!
Well, that is all for now. It looks like football season is just around the corner and cooler days are ahead!
Fr. David

Monday, August 12, 2013


Greetings to all of you!
Last week at the 8:30 am Mass we welcomed 9 persons who decided to make the first step in learning more about the Catholic Faith and more importantly, their relationship with God. I always look forward to these Rites since it requires the participation and acceptance by our Catholic Community and those making this step get to see what a truly welcoming and God centered community we really are. Pray for these Catechumens and Candidates as they continue to make additional steps toward full reception in the Catholic Church sometime around Easter of next year.
Also last week was the first meeting of the new Parish Stewardship and Advisory board which will continue to plan and execute the practice of Stewardship and Spirituality here at St. Mark. They will also be my eyes, ears, and voice of the needs of our people. The board seemed very excited to make St. Mark the best it can be and I look forward to seeing what they can accomplish. Pray for them!
As you know, we are still waiting the arrival of Eric the Lion for our bell tower and should be any day now. This Majestic lion will be greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the round-about located in front of the Family Life Center. We are also getting closer and closer to breaking ground for our new Church. Many of you have or will receive a letter from me asking to make this happen soon. Again, the longer we wait, the higher the cost will be. Those of you who haven't made a yearly pledge please do so. Last week, over 90 families from our Spanish Community pledged over $32,000 towards our goal. Be assured, from a God who can never be out-given in generosity, He will certainly bless yours with abundance!
Well, that is all for now. It looks like football season is just around the corner and cooler days are ahead!
Fr. David

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Notre Dame

Greetings to all of you!
Last week I had the opportunity to do a wedding for two of our parishioners at the Basilica of Notre Dame. It was my first time in this beautiful Church and I just cannot say enough about how kind and professional the staff was in helping me to navigate the inner workings of the wedding Mass. The aura of the Basilica was amazing and the guests at the wedding were moved by the ceremony as well as the wedding couple and myself. Although it was held at 9 o'clock in the morning, everyone was there on time ready to go, including the priest which can be a rare feat! We also were able to tour the Campus of Notre Dame which included the famous football stadium and locker room. We even got to tap the two signs that the players tap on their way into the stadium. It was a thrill realizing that we were part of the mystique of all the famous people who also touched those signs. I was also glad that the signs were low enough for me to touch since my jumping abilities have thoroughly diminished through the years. Anyway, I offer congratulations to David and Jill Parker in their new life together. May the Graces received on that special day continue to be with you both.
While at Notre Dame, we also got to play their new golf course which was quite beautiful. I haven't picked up a club since February and played rather well despite the toughness of the course. Unfortunately, my bones hurt the next two days afterwards which means I better start exercising again or I'll turn into a tree. But I digress...
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless your Stewardship as we continue to proclaim the Kingdom to all the world.
Fr. David

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hot Summer

Greetings to all of you!
I pray that your summer is going well so far even though the hot weather is upon us!  I'm sure some of you will be escaping the heat for more cooler places so I guess the rest of us will have to bare the burden for you!  Just remember not to forget about God during the time that you are away. I realize that for some of you might be burdensome in finding a Church nearby, but at least make the effort.  He is the One who gives us rest and as St. Augustine says, "our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."  Besides, I love to read all the bulletins from other Churches around the world and "borrow" some ideas from them!
I heard that Eric, the St. Mark Lion that will go on the bell tower is just about finished and will be arriving after it clears customs.  Soon you will be greeted by this beautiful statue as you walk or drive into the roundabout.  This will complete the first stage of the building of our new Church and with your help, we can break ground when we get the 50% cash needed.  We are close but we still need more people to commit.  Just think what a wonderful experience it will be for people when the Church is finally here!  Believe me, we can have so many more spiritual and educational opportunities for our community and most of all, we can evangelize for Christ in an even better way.  So if you haven't committed just yet, do so!  Trust that God will provide for your needs especially when you are committed to Him!
As you read this I will be starting a week's vacation for myself and hopefully get some rest and renewed energy for the rest of the summer.  I'm sticking around the Tampa area so I can see some of the places I don't get the chance to visit while working.  I might even hit that rotten golf ball around if I can stand the heat.

Have a great summer and be safe!
Fr. David

Monday, June 3, 2013

Our Hearts saddened

Greetings to all of you!
Our hearts were saddened this past week as we said goodbye to a man who has been an institution here at St. Mark as well as the Tampa area for so many years. This past Tuesday we laid to rest the soul of Dick Ray, whom I'm sure, most people knew and loved with all their hearts. His funeral liturgy was packed with all those that Dick touched in his life and who touched him. There were a few tears but also joy in knowing that he would go with God's Grace to his Heavenly reward. Dick Ray was an icon here at our parish and an innovator as well. Despite his advancing age, he never slowed down with ideas and actions that would make St. Mark a great place to worship and serve. As a matter of fact, it was Dick who instigated our desire to build a new Church and one day he said to me that he was so thrilled that it just might happen in his lifetime. Well Dick, we got very close, all because of your tireless support! But, there was one first that I'm happy to report. His funeral was the first time our new bells tolled for a funeral liturgy and then peeled with excitement as we said farewell to this great man for the last time. May you rest in peace my dear friend, until we all meet again in that heavenly banquet that God has prepared for all of us!
Well that is all for now. May all of us follow the example of this great man, a life always lived for others.

Fr. David

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bell Tower

Greetings to all of you!
Every day as I pass the bell tower, I continue to be more and more excited as the finishing touches are administered to this beautiful edifice! As you have seen, the bells await in our Worship space along our main aisle to finally find its resting place when the tower is completed. I hope you were able to see some of the video from the blessing and naming of the bells held a few short weeks ago on our website. It was an extraordinary night and one that I will always treasure!
As you read this we will have celebrated Latin Night this past Friday put on by members of our Latin community. They sure know how to throw a party as the dining and dancing charged up our New Tampa community! I would like to thank all those who coordinated and planned this successful event and all those who participated. All proceeds went to our building fund as we move closer and closer to building this great church. 
Next week we welcome Bishop Lynch who will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation to over 90 young men and women at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass. This is always an exciting event for our parish when the Bishop comes, but I have to warn all of you who normally go to that mass that it will be a long one! You might want to plan accordingly. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Well, that is all for now, May God bless all of you on this "Birthday of the Church".

Fr. David

Monday, April 15, 2013

Annual Tea Party

Greetings to all of you!
It seems April is just rolling along so quickly and before you know it May is here! Forget about April showers bringing May flowers because due !our crazy up and down climate here in Florida, I don't think the flowers know what time of the year it is! I'm just going to enjoy the last few weeks of cool weather before the hot summer comes. Where are my shorts????
Last week I attended the Annual Tea Party hosted by the Columbiettes and once again they outdid themselves! It's always a fun and happy time and I am so impressed by all the hard work these ladies put into this event. Each table was beautifully decorated in a different way and for a non-tea drinker, the tea was magnificent. I half expected Queen Elizabeth to make an appearance with her exotic hat but she must have forgotten. I'm also thrilled that the ladies decided to donate all of the proceeds from the Tea Party to the building fund! Thank you ladies!
As I'm writing this, the Masters is on TV and it looks like it's going down to the wire. I've been rooting for Angel Cabrerra from Argentina since we now have a Pope from there, we may as well have a Masters Champion from there too! I wonder if the Pope plays golf? Anyway, it's looking like a cliff hanger and I will know soon.
As you know we will be having the ancient rite of the Blessing of the Bells on Thursday, April 25th. It truly will be an historic moment in our Church history and it should prove to be a moving ceremony. Hope you can make it!
Well that is all for now. I hope you haven't eaten all your chocolate bunnies from Easter Sunday already!

Fr. David

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Sunday

Greetings to all of you!
As I write this we are celebrating the Second Sunday of Easter so I wish to tell you a little about Easter Sunday! I have to say that I have never experienced crowds of this magnitude here at St. Mark in the ten years that I have been Pastor. I'm sure it was a combination of things that made this such a joyful Easter, first, especially, with the naming of a new Pope called Francis. Although I enjoy the mystery and majesty of the office of Pope, it can bring with it a feeling of stiffness and a lack of intimacy. Pope Francis seems to be a breath of fresh air to our Church at a time when I think it needs it, not that it's better, it is just different. Maybe that's what people are feeling all around the world. Secondly I also like to think that St. Mark is making a difference in our community with it's moving liturgies and warm hospitality. With a new Church we would be able to accommodate more people by having multiple Masses at the same time on Easter and Christmas. Just think if at least half of those who come during these Holy Seasons would begin to come every Sunday! New Tampa would be on fire for Christ and what a change it would be not only for our area, but all those surrounding us. We still have a lot of work to do and I pray that it will be accomplished according to God's Will.

Last Saturday I heard confessions and said Mass for the young men on retreat at Bethany Center who will be making their Confirmation in the near future. I'm always impressed by their willingness to allow God into their every day life and I was impressed by their desire to get closer to Him. Our Youth Minister, MaryAnn Weigel does an excellent job motivating these young men and women and I'm especially impressed by the adults who also attend the retreat as helpers. They bring so much to these young people and they get so much back in return. 

Hope you will be able to join us for the Blessing and Naming of the Bells on Thursday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m. This is a very ancient Rite which will be celebrated in the context of Evening Prayer. It promises to be a beautiful ceremony so mark your calendars and participate in this moment of history for St. Mark Church!

Well, that is all for now. May this Easter Season be one of joy for all of us as we celebrate our Redemption!

Fr. David

Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Easter

Greetings to all of you!
Happy Easter! What an amazing week it has been leading up to this great day in the Church Year. It all began with the crowds on Palm Sunday welcoming Christ into Jerusalem, the celebration of the Lord's Supper on Friday, the Crucifixion on Good Friday, to finally the Great Easter Vigil. The Catholic Church does these Rites so well as we enter into those last days of Christ on earth as if we are actually there! What a special blessing it was for all those who attended and I pray that more and more will come to Christ because of it. I would like to thank all the Priests, Deacons, Altar Servers, Music ministers, Church decorators, liturgy commission, and countless others who made these services go so beautifully. Many don't realize what goes into the planning and preparation for these events and without all of you, we wouldn't have had such a great experience. My many thanks to all of you!

It seems that this year our Mission was once again a great success. Over 600 people came each of the three days to hear him speak and many went away with a great experience. His humor was especially appreciated and his message was right on track. It was a good preparation to Holy Week!
As you may have noticed, the Bell Tower is in the midst of being constructed and we are all so very excited to eventually hear the bells in action! We are hoping to bless and name the bells in the near future so look for the date in the bulletin and/or email blast when the time comes. I hope many of you will be able to attend. 

Last but not least, I wish to thank all of you for your prayers and best wishes on my birthday. Even though it was over a week ago, I'm still eating birthday cake! My waist thanks you!

Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless you in this glorious season.


Fr. David

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lenten retreat, Feast of St Patrick, Yankee training & Cardinals in Conclave

Greetings to all of you!
This week we are privileged to have Fr. Michael Sullivan with us to do our annual Lenten retreat.  He will be preaching at all the Masses this weekend and the retreat will begin on Monday and run through Wednesday night!  Hope all of you will be able to attend at least one, or even better, all of the Mission program.  Make this Lenten experience be a life changing one for you!
As you all well know, we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick this weekend and I'm sure all our Irish brothers and sisters will be out wearing the green in full force!  Even those of us who aren't Irish will also fill our bellies with green beer and corned beef and cabbage.  I'm so glad it doesn't fall on a Friday this year thus eliminating all those phone calls about a dispensation!  My hand for blessings and dispensations can get tired!
I did get a chance to take in a Yankee spring training game this week which was the first time in over 6 years I've been to a game.  It was one of those beautiful Florida days when all the northerners get burned by the sunshine as they eat their popcorn and cracker jacks.  I even tried to get Yankee manager Joe Gerardi's attention by saying a few words in Italian to him but he didn't seem to hear what I was saying.  Maybe he doesn't speak the language.  Anyway, it was nice to get out and see a live game for once and get out with the guys.  
As of this writing, I haven't heard from the Cardinals in the Conclave upon whether I will be called to Rome or not but It seems they most likely are thinking of another guy.  Maybe we will have a Pope by the time you read this and we can rejoice in the selection.  It's going to be hard not saying Benedict at Mass but I'm sure we will get it down after a few months practice.
Well, that is all for now.  May God continue to bless your Lenten experience.
Fr. David

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Update on Election of new Pope

Greetings to all of you!
As you read this, the Cardinals are beginning to gather in the Vatican to elect a new Pope and what an exciting time for the Church as the Holy Spirit begins to discern who the next man shall be.  Will he be Italian? European? African? South American? North American? Asian?  I think it's anybody's guess but one thing is certain, our God is a God of surprises so who ever it is, he will be the right person for the times.  We now say goodbye and a multitude of thanks to Benedict XVI for leading our great Church these past eight years.  It was a huge responsibility for this holy and shy intellectual and I'm sure he will rest well in retirement.  May God be with him!  On a side note, I did send my measurements over to Rome just in case.  My mother always told me that I would be Pope someday and I didn't want to disappoint her by not trying!  
I've been so impressed by our Elect and Candidates as they get closer and closer to Full Communion in the Catholic Church.  We celebrated the Rite of Election with Bishop Lynch two weeks ago and I'm still on cloud nine with admiration as these individuals shook the hand of the Bishop and now they more determined than ever to become Catholic. We will be celebrating the Scrutinies with the Elect in the next few weeks which is an ancient rite of spiritual self cleansing as they look forward to baptism.  Continue your prayers for them!
This week on Thursday, March 7th, every parish in the Diocese will be offering the Rite of Reconciliation from 5 pm to 8 pm at their local parishes. So where ever you are in the Diocese during that time, you will have the opportunity for Confession.  Here at St. Mark we will have 4 priests available so take advantage of this graced opportunity.  
Well, that is all for now.  I pray that Lent continues to be a life changing event in your life!
Fr. David 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Lent, Golf Tournament & 1st Fish Fry

Greetings to all of you!
I hope Lent is going well for you thus far and I pray that you are not weakening under the burden of your promises during this most Holy time of year!  I realize it's not easy but with the strength of God we can do all these that seem impossible.  As you know, our golf tournament was a huge success once again this year as over 125 golfers teed it up at Hunters Green C.C. and balls were flying everywhere!  On the 7th hole, all the foursomes challenged me to a duel for closest to the pin and I came away with a 75% success rate!  Little did they know that I was using a "rigged" ball sprinkled with Holy Water but I needed the extra help!  Also, I had a back up plan as their hands got a little slippery as they ate an abundance of Italian sausage and peppers and drank the nectar of the gods before hitting the ball on my hole.  Anyway, we all had a great time and I'd like to thank Chairman, Mike Eggeling,  committee members Tom Bosso, Joe Cangi, and Cyndi letzeisen, along with many great stewards who came out to help us during the event.  We netted over $18,000 for a building fund which will really help us!  
Last Friday saw the start of our annual tradition here at St. Mark: The Lenten Fish Fry once again sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.  Over 500 dinners were sold which was a great opening night and we look forward to even more as Lent progresses.  This coming Friday on March 1st, Spirit FM will be here to judge our fish fry along with judging all the fish fries throughout the Diocese, so come on out especially that night and make St. Mark proud!  There will be great Christian music and most likely some giveaways so come on down!  I've always said our Knights are second to none when it comes to making St. Mark a great parish. Let's show them a lot of support!
As I write this, I will be meeting with the Bishop once again this week to determine if we will be allowed to break ground on our new Church.  Many of you have been praying very hard and I hope to make whatever announcement I can during this weekend's Mass.  Maybe I'll bring some nice Italian Lasagna to him and soften him up a bit.  
Well, that is all for now.  May this Lent continue to be a transforming experience in your life!
Fr. David

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spirit FM

Greetings to all of you!

Sorry for not being able to get a column to you the last two weeks but It seems that I keep missing the bulletin deadline! I hope to do better in this new year but I can't promise anything. This past week a group of us from St. Mark had the opportunity in celebrating the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul at our Diocesan radio station, Spirit FM, 90.5 FM. What an honor it was for us to celebrate with listeners all across the diocese on this great feast. We had lots of fun and the staff at Spirit FM were so very kind to us, and of course, the Mass was flawless!

Again last week I had the privilege of meeting and greeting all the men and women who participated in the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat. Like other retreats before them, the Spirit of God was working over time on those who participated. What Grace the attendants received by being a part of this spiritual event! If you haven't experienced a CRHP retreat just yet, we will have another one during the summer. It could certainly change your life!

Lately, I've been doing some practicing for our St. Mark Golf tournament on Feb. 10th. As you know, I will be on the 7th hole at Hunters Green C.C. hitting shots to the green. Hopefully, many or all of my shots will hit the target so I don't end up giving away all my "I beat Fr. David" shirts! How embarrassing it would be for me if everybody who "beat the Priest" wore that shirt to Mass one Sunday! Well, if you haven't filled out a registration sheet just yet, you better hurry up and take your chance. However, you better bring your "A" game if you're going to play against me!

Hopefully by now, you have seen the bells for our new bell tower that will be constructed in the near future! It is just a first step in our desire to build a new Church here at St. Mark. We will be meeting with the Diocese on February 12 to receive permission to break ground early so I ask you to pray that God's Will be done. I ask if you haven't made a pledge yet, to make a one time gift or a one year pledge so we can be able to bring to the Diocese some good numbers!

Well, that is all for now. May God bless your Stewardship to St. Mark parish!


Fr. David