Wednesday, January 27, 2010

APA/Small Christian Communities/Cruise

Greetings to all of you!

This weekend is an important one for St. Mark Parish as we begin the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) again for the year 2010. I say it’s important in that we have been given the responsibility by Christ to go and comfort the poor, the broken hearted, and make disciples of all people. The APA does that and more for the people of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and our parish of St. Mark has always been generous! I thank you for last year’s record giving to this appeal in the amount of $180,000 and I ask and pray that you will be as generous with this year’s appeal. God will bless your generosity!

Also coming up during Lent is the gathering of Small Christian Communities in which the Scriptures are read and life experiences are spoken about. It truly is an enriching experience, and I promise it will deepen this great mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. Sign up is available after all the Masses, and time is limited so I hope you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

As some of you may know, in October we will be cruising the Mediterranean once again, but this time making stops in Israel, walking in the footsteps of Jesus and continuing on to the great city of Alexandria, with additional stops in Greece and Turkey. If you’re interested in going, information is available on our website or you can call the office for details. We have only 20 cabins reserved and they’re going fast so sign up soon before they’re sold out.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has giving us in each other.


Fr. David

Friday, January 22, 2010


Greetings to all of you!

I’m sure by now that everyone has been inundated with requests for help to the people of Haiti, and it truly is an inspiring outpouring of love and support that people from around the world are offering this devastated country. We began collecting here at the Church last week and we will continue to do so this week. So if you want to be sure your offerings go to the right place, we will make that happen. All the Diocesan collections for Haiti go through the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) program established by the Catholic Church to support the poor and suffering. Thank you to all who have contributed to this fund and we continue to pray for the people of Haiti.

Last week, men from our parish experienced another Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), and again lives are being changed! I heard some powerful presentations, and many were moved by the experience. I’m so proud of Team 4 for putting together another great retreat, and I pray for the men of CRHP 5 as they continue their journey in deepening their relationship to Christ! The Women’s CRHP is next and it, too, promises more miracles!

I visited last Thursday with the people of the RCIA who are taking steps to learn more of the Catholic Church, and hopefully, become full-fledged Catholics at the Easter Vigil. I was touched at their attentiveness and their desire to learn more about our faith! Their questions were very thought provoking, and I’m thrilled that they are looking forward to coming into our parish family. We are honored to have them with us!
Lastly, since the Giants are out of the playoffs, I’m rooting for the Jets to go all the way! It’s going to be hard fought, the guys in Green will prevail, God willing!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Season/Upcoming Events

Greetings to all of you!

It seems like forever since I have been able to write to you due to the bulletin holiday schedule, and now I hope we can get back to a more normal one. Again, this year we had another wonderful Christmas at St. Mark. I appreciate all those who made this wondrous event so memorable. There are so many people behind the scenes that make it all happen, and I am so thankful for all their support and hard work. What a great way to end the year!

As we look forward to 2010, I pray that we will have an even greater year as we move forward here at St. Mark. We are currently laying down plans to raise funds for a new church beginning with a Capital Campaign in January of 2011, which I am looking forward to getting started. Our Pastoral Council is involved in some strategic planning that will tweak the way we do things here in a variety of ways. My hope and prayer for 2010 is that our parish family will continue to deepen their relationship with God through our embracement of the Stewardship way of life. Keep an eye out for some wonderful adult and child educational opportunities and, of course, spiritual retreats and programs. All in all, it looks like another life-giving year at St. Mark, and I hope you take advantage of some or all of them.

In October of this year, we are looking to do another Parish Cruise around the Mediterranean beginning in Rome and making stops in Jerusalem, Alexandria Egypt, Ephesus, Athens, and more. Keep tuned to the parish bulletin and our web-site for further information. It promises to be another great adventure!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David