Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter basket

Greetings to all of you!

As this is written, Holy Week and the celebrations of Easter have come and gone and I want to thank all of you who took part in the planning, decorating, and execution of this wonderful event. Again ,this year we had a profound experience of the last days of Christ leading up to the joy of the Resurrection. Without the dedication and self-sacrifice of those involved, this would not have happened. We congratulate all our new Catholics; I can still see the glow in their faces after that wonderful Easter Vigil night when they made their decision to be one with us! Continue to pray for them as they continue this new journey in their lives. What can I say about the new organ that was such a joy to hear and experience on that Easter Sunday! John Paul had that organ singing and it really added to the celebration and joy of this profound experience. To all of you I offer my thanks and blessings for a great Easter, and I look forward to even greater things to come!

Even though the Easter festivities have subsided, we continue to have other events that are also important in the mission of our parish. On May 8th, the youth of our parish will have an Art Auction to raise money for their trip to the National Convention. These trips are so important in their development as faith filled Catholics as they mingle with many youth from around the world who bring their own experiences of this wonderful God. Tickets for the Art Auction are being sold before and after the Masses. I hope you will be able to attend.

We also are having an important retreat day for married couples called, “Married and Loving It”, which will be put on by couples involved in the Marriage Encounter movement. Sign-up will be after the Masses in the next couple of weeks.

Well, that is all for now. I’m still going through my Easter basket full of chocolate candy including this solid chocolate rabbit! I’m hoping I will be able to swing a golf club around my big belly when it’s all over. Continue to love and pray for each other.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is Risen!

Greetings to all of you!

Alleluia! He is Risen! What a wonderful message of hope that the Lord had given us on this Easter morning over two thousand years ago and yet that message continues to heal broken hearts and spirits in our world today. Light has overcome the darkness. Despite our tough economic times, Christians all around the world are called to keep this hope alive in the small things we can do for each other. May this Easter Season bring hope to the lives that are hurting, and to those of us who are able to help may we be that light to them by modeling our lives after the deep love and sacrifice of the crucified and risen Christ!

This past week was the end of our weekly Lenten fish fry held by the Knights of Columbus and it seems that this year was a record year in sales! I think the word is getting around the community how great the fish frys are and what a good value it is to families. But more importantly, it brings about wonderful fellowship not only among our parishioners, but to the community that surrounds us! I would like to thank Grand Knight, Doug Gephart, and all the Knights who were involved in making this year such a great success. They worked very hard and it showed!

Last week, we also launched our new website! I’m thrilled by the look and ease of accessibility that the new website brings. I hope all of you are able to check it out. You will find wonderful information on all aspects of parish activity and answers to questions you may have about our Church. I would like to thank Chuck Rizzo, the Communications Committee, and David Larson who spent countless hours putting the design together. Well done!

Lastly, we also are launching a new concept to our church in which you will be able to donate online, thereby discontinuing the need to use of envelopes to make your weekly contribution. I used to forget my envelopes before coming to church on many occasions. Now I don’t have to worry about it since it is charged to my credit card on a weekly basis. This way I continue to keep God first in my life by practicing the treasure portion of stewardship without the worry of trying to remember the envelope. It’s very easy to do, just go to our website for information and directions, or just call us at the office.

Well, that is all for now! May the Lord continue to offer you hope in this blessed Easter Season!
