Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Bells

Greetings to all of you!

Since I came here almost 9 years ago, I noticed (and I'm sure many of you did also) that during the elevation of the Holy Eucharist, there were no bells ringing to signify this important event in the Mass. I simply assumed that this was the custom of this parish before I came here so I didn't much think about changing this practice. After all, bells were rung prior to Vatican II to remind and "wake up" the faithful to this important moment especially those who may have been saying their own private prayers such as the Rosary among other religious practices. Bells were needed because most of the Mass was in Latin and the Priests" back was to the congregation, hence it was difficult for the faithful to know when this important event was happening. Since Vatican II when the Mass was changed to the vernacular of the people and the altars were turned around, this practice began to fall by the wayside since people could now see and understand the point at which the elevation occurred. However, people would constantly come to me and express their disappointment that bells weren't rung here at St. Mark and they missed their significance. I often would kid around with them and tell them if they wanted bells, they would have to buy them! Well, one parish family took me up on the offer so after 15 years of St. Mark history, we have restored the bells for Mass beginning today on Palm Sunday! I would like to thank Joe and Ellen Cangi

for their most generous contribution to make this happen for our parish family. I have to admit, they do add some color to the Mass now and I appreciate the Cangi's persistence. Hope you like the "new" sound! Last Saturday I had the privilege to attend an event held by the Columbiettes entitled, "Art in the Afternoon Tea". Over two hundred mostly ladies, attended this star studded gala which included stars from Disney, the Beatles, and of course, the one and only Nat King Cole singing his famous song "Mona Lisa". Of course the ladies just mobbed Nat after his performance and they all wondered if he was singing to each one of them. I can just tell you that OF COURSE he was singing to each individual there and considered them ALL Mona Lisa's! Anyway, what a grand event we had and the ladies worked hard

donating much of the proceeds to our Capital Campaign for a new Church. I would like to thank Darlene Fritz, Nancy Larson, and the whole crew for doing such an outstanding job! I wonder what stars they have in store next year? This week as many of you are aware is Holy Week, the most Sacred time of

the Church year! Please review the website and bulletin for Mass times for the Tridduum and of course that great event on Saturday night, the Easter Vigil which is the highlight of our entire Church year. If you have never attended a vigil, you are in for a real treat! Just be warned, it lasts around two

and a half hours but will seem like two and a half minutes! Come and celebrate with us!

Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless you in this Most Holy

Time of Year!


Fr. David