Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Greetings to all of you!

First of all, I would like to congratulate our very own Mary Strickland for graduating from the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute held at the Cathedral this past week.  The LPMI is an accredited course of studies in theology that prepares students for teaching and working in parish ministry.  It takes four years to achieve this degree and we are so thrilled that Mary was able to accomplish this feat!  Looks like we will all have to genuflect in front of her next time we are in her presence.  I hope she doesn't ask for a raise just yet! Congratulations Mary!

I am also happy to announce two new staff members to our St. Mark family. The first is Yoceline Rincon who will be managing the staff in the front office. Yoceline is a parishioner here and attends the 12:30pm  Mass in Spanish. She also helped with the many decorations in our Sanctuary as a member of the Liturgical Art and Environment committee.  She will be starting on June 18th.

Our other new staff member is Dr. Valarie Mainguy, who will be the Director of Development, Communications, and Marketing for St. Mark Church.  Dr. Valarie is also a parishioner of St. Mark and comes to us with many years of experience in the corporate world.  She will begin her assignment on July 1st.  I'm sure they will make a wonderful addition to our staff as we continue to grow more in the future.  I'm sure you will get a chance to meet them sometime soon and see what great individuals these are. 

As I write this, I've been told that the walls of our new Church might be going up very soon.  It is all so very exciting and I simply ask for your continued financial support to make this a Church for the generations.  If you haven't pledged or you are behind in your payments, I ask that you reach down deep and join the many others who have made this happen. Building a house of God is a privilege and I know He will bless you greatly for your sacrifice.

Well, that is all for now.  May God bless your Stewardship!


Fr. David