Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas Events
It’s been a busy week with all the Christmas concerts, etc. that have been going on here at St. Mark. The Tampa Bay Children’s Chorus put on an outstanding show last Saturday night. I always love hearing children’s voices especially during the Advent and Christmas Season. We also celebrated our annual Parish Christmas Dinner at Hunters Green C.C., and it also turned out to be a wonderful evening. We had the Barbershop Quartet perform for our listening pleasure, and also had a special appearance by Frankie Sinatra! I would like to thank Denize Soobit, Nancy Larson, and Phyllis Timp for putting this all together. It was a fun evening!
Also on Saturday, we had “Breakfast with Santa”, put on by our Youth Ministry. Hundreds of kids strolled through and made their very own Christmas crafts, heard stories from Mrs. Santa, and also got the chance to meet Santa himself! By the time I got there, it seemed Santa was worn out because when I told him what I wanted for Christmas, he threw me from his Santa Chair and the elves escorted me out! It looks like I’m getting coal again for Christmas! Afterwards, we had a great breakfast made by the Knights of Columbus, and the morning was complete. I would like to thank Maryann Weigel and her angels for all their hard work. It was another success!
Well, I need to get my shopping done. Hope all is well with you, and may the rest of Advent be one of joy and peace for you and your family.
Fr. David
Friday, December 11, 2009
With all the wind and rain this past week, I was afraid to get my golf clubs wet so I decided to stay in and eat a nice sandwich with a tasty drink of iced tea at the local clubhouse on my day off. It seems when these dark and dreary days come, one just wishes to be fed and then curl up on the couch with a great book under a warm blanket. I’m sure my body was more than glad not to have gone out braving the elements and winding up with a terrible cold afterwards. I think God gives us days like these to slow down and really enjoy those simple things that make us content. After all, isn’t that what Advent is all about? Now, “where’s my book and warm blanket?”
This past Wednesday I traveled to the Bethany Center which is our Diocesan Retreat House to attend the ordination to the Priesthood of Fr. John Lipscomb. Some of you may have remembered Fr. Lipscomb as Bishop John Lipscomb of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. Fr. Lipscomb retired from his Diocese to become a Roman Catholic a few years ago and now he is one of ours. Fr. Lipscomb will be the Spiritual Director at the Bethany Center and he will conduct retreats and give spiritual direction to groups and individuals who go there. The Ordination was beautiful and we were privileged to have Archbishop John C. Favalora there as the ordaining bishop and we found out that Fr. Lipscomb is the 100th priest ordained for our Diocese since it was established in 1968. Congratulations Fr. Lipscomb!
Just a reminder that we will be celebrating a night of “Lessons and Carols” on Saturday, Dec. 19th . This is an ancient and beautiful rite that you won’t want to miss. Get your tickets early and save a few dollars from the price at the door. It promises to be a special night as we await the coming of Christ at Christmas!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Rob Rabil/Corpus Christi
Last week we had the awesome opportunity to go to the Cathedral and receive the St. Jude Award Medal on behalf of Rob Rabil, who passed away last April. His wife, Fern, and his family accepted the award from Bishop Robert Lynch at a service that was memorable for its beauty and simplicity. Seventy-six other people from the various parishes in the Diocese also received the award for their invaluable service to the Church. The Cathedral was filled to capacity with family, friends, and award winners. I was so proud to be there and participate at this annual event; it gave me the chance to say, “Thank You”, to Rob and all those who give of themselves so unselfishly. We do have many “saints” among us building up the kingdom of God, and for that we should always be grateful.
I also got the chance to attend the Annual Corpus Christi School Fall Gala and met many of our parish family who have children attending that school. The great food was catered by Circles and they put on a tremendous display of items for auction to raise money for the school. This year they had a “dessert table” filled with wonderful cakes, cookies, and pies that really caught my attention. Right in the middle of it all was this HUGE chocolate cake that was the most beautiful I had ever seen so I had to bid on it, of course. However, there was a woman who guarded her bid with an eagle eye and wouldn’t let anybody near the bid sheet. I looked at her and yelled, “Young lady, put that pencil down and step away from the table!” I guess having my collar on and my authoritarian voice did the trick because she did move away horrified and never went near the table again. It looks like no one else did either because I eventually won the cake! We had it for Thanksgiving and it was absolutely delicious although one piece was enough for a week’s worth of calories. Oh well, I hope the school at least made some money.
That is all for now. Let us continue to enjoy the gift of each other during this Advent Season!
Fr. David
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I have been getting some calls and emails regarding the H1N1 flu virus and our response to it here at St. Mark. I realize that many people are concerned about the chance of transmitting the virus to each other through shaking, holding hands, or drinking from the cup. I have decided here at St. Mark that we will continue our practices as part of our normal liturgical life. However, as adults, we all have the option of NOT doing the above mentioned practices so please don’t be offended if someone does not wish to shake, hold your hand, or drink from the common cup. A simple nod, etc. is sufficient and will not offend. When it comes to Holy Communion, our Eucharistic Ministers have been instructed to use the antiseptic spray provided in the sanctuary before giving out communion. I hope that this decision is acceptable to everyone as we try to get through this flu season.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Monday, November 9, 2009
Golf Trounament
The annual St. Mark Golf Tournament is now history and I was so thrilled with the turnout and the great weather God supplied us on that great day. It was nice to reacquaint myself with old faces and I think everyone had a wonderful time! This year I hit the ball the best I ever had during the, “Beat the Priest”, contest. It seemed whatever way I swung the club, the ball magically landed on the green in most cases. Could it have been angels?? Maybe so, except for a few times during the contest when they may have been asleep or attending to other needs. There was one occasion when my golf instructor came to the hole and after a few lessons last year, I felt the need to show him what a great job he did on me. As I took the club in my hand ready to show off my golfing prowess, I made a mighty swing, (this is the part where the angels must have been busy), in which I took enough turf to cover the entire lake beside the green! The ball went a few yards and with that my ego deflated to an all time low. Red-faced, I fell to the ground feigning injury and it seemed to have worked because they wanted me to take another swing. I told them I had to rest and recover and my instructor let me know that he may have to give me some free lessons later on this month while he’s here so I could avoid injury in the future. Wow, free lessons! Maybe it was beneficial that the angels were sleeping after all! Anyway, I wish to thank Chuck Lewindowski for all his work chairing the event and his committee for another outstanding job! I’d like to thank Hunter’s Green and the guys in the Pro Shop for being so gracious and helpful to us, and for all the Sponsors and golfers who sacrificed, especially in this awful economy, to help us move forward in building this new Church. Please thank them and support their businesses when you can. Also, I’d like to thank former Lightening Captain, David Andreychuk, for allowing us to honor him for all his efforts for Tampa Bay and St. Mark Church. Now I need to rest my weary bones and prepare again for next year.
Again this week I had the opportunity of blessing another business that was just taken over by parishioner Francis Sadiq and his family. Diamond Nail Salon next to Circles Bistro, (another of our parishioners), opened under new management this past week in the Pebble Creek Collection Shopping Center. Let us support our very own and tell them Fr. David sent you!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other.
Fr. David
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Golf Tourny/Octoberfest/Stewardship
As the weather begins to cool, my golf clubs are screaming for me to get out and hit them! Now I don’t have an excuse except the fact that my game isn’t what it used to be. However, I do need to get out there real soon and practice up for the Annual St. Mark Golf Tournament at Hunter’s Green on November 1st. This year I will be on the 7th hole for the “Beat the Priest” competition in which I try to get the ball closer to the pin than all my opponents. Unfortunately, it seems all that one has to do to win is hit the ball on the green since I’m never there anyway. However, I do remind the golfers of that LARGE lake of water to the right and those finicky “out of bounds” stakes on the left. After all, I think they need to be warned of the impending danger! So if you haven’t gotten your foursome yet, or you just want to play, we can hook you up with some great guys and gals. Come out and say you “beat” Father David and have bragging rights for the year!
Last Saturday night we enjoyed great weather as we celebrated Oktoberfest again this year! The food was great and the entertainment had us dancing and singing. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for putting on this fun fest every year, and for the great job they did! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
In the next few weeks you will be hearing more about St. Mark’s commitment to a Stewardship way of life. In November, we will finally help you to embrace this attitude of gratefulness to God by showing you the many ways to accomplish it. Again, Stewardship is a journey of faith and trust; I don’t think there is any better way of “falling in love with God” than this one. I pray that you will embrace it as I did many years ago! This weekend is the Stewardship Extravaganza which will highlight all the great things the parish does to further the message of Christ. I hope that you will take a few minutes to walk through it and meet some great people!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other!
Fr. David
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Deacons/Why Go To Church
What a special time we experienced here last week when we welcomed Jose Moranta and Scott Paine as our new Deacons to St. Mark Parish! It is the first time in our short history that men from our parish were ordained to the Diaconate, and I can't think of two more qualified and holy men who are more deserving of this honor. They will be assisting me in a variety of liturgical and ministerial endeavors such as Marriages, Baptisms, Communion Services, educational opportunities to the parish, along with visitations to the sick, etc. I am definitely thrilled to have these men share in the ministry of our parish, and I know they will add a great deal to our parish life. Make sure you offer congratulations and prayers for them as they begin the wonderful world of ministry!
Last week the Priests of the Diocese came together for our annual convocation and we heard lectures from FatherTimothy Radcliffe, O.P., who will also be here in February of next year to close the three year Eucharistic Conference instituted back in 2007. His latest book, WHY GO TO CHURCH, is an excellent book which I would highly recommend for those of you who would like to learn some wonderful insights on the Mass. Make sure you use our web site and go through to find it.
I played in a charity event entitled, "Tee it up for the Troops", at McDill AFB last Friday. Despite the hot weather, we managed to finish along with a large group of other golfers participating in the event. Despite my best efforts, our team finished in the middle of the bunch due to my other team members. Razor Richie who hit razor like 80 yard drives which didn't help much with distance; while Touchy Terry had the finesse of an elephant in a glass factory; and Ma Na Ja Marty, who yelled this Italian term after all his shots. The meaning of which depends upon the stress one puts on the word, but mostly negative. As you can see I had a tough and grueling day playing under these conditions, but I made us respectable nonetheless. It also provided funds for "Fisher House", which is a place where families of injured soldiers can stay as their loved ones recover. All in all, it was a great opportunity to support our military.
Lastly, on occasion I am asked to bless a business for a particular parishioner and this week I blessed the new Careme’s Market located on Florida Avenue in Lutz. It is a delightful delicatessen/market with fine dining quality foods at a great price. It reminds me of the old Italian shopping markets up north where one can purchase all kinds of meats, cheeses, and sandwiches. There website is and phone number is 813-443-5753. Let them know Fr. David sent you.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Corporal Mike/Stewardship
Last week was a difficult one for our parish and the community that surrounds us. As many of you know, Corporal Michael Roberts was the police officer who was killed in the line of duty and he was a member of St. Mark Parish. Some of you may remember him directing traffic at our Sunday Masses a few years ago. He was a kind, considerate, and helpful person who always had a smile and would “sneak” into Mass after his shift was over. Last Tuesday, we celebrated his funeral. Although it was a sad occasion, the support of his fellow officers and the outpouring of love for his wife Cindy were simply amazing. There were rows and rows of police officers as far as the eyes can see and I felt so privileged to celebrate his funeral. I hope that the beautiful Catholic funeral liturgy gave them a sense of peace knowing that he still lives and they will see him again! Please pray for his wife and son Adam in this difficult time.
Sometime this week or next, each parish family will be receiving our very first Stewardship Newsletter entitled, “The Good Steward”. I must say what an outstanding job the people of the Stewardship Commission did to make this edition such a success! In it you will see articles of real life individuals in our parish who practice the giving of their Time, Talent, and Treasure to God. We will also have a section reporting how we spend the money that you so generously give to our parish so we can practice good Stewardship of our resources. So take the time to read this simple edition and let me know what you think of it. You will be hearing more news in the near future.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!
Fr. David
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Vacation Bible School/School Supplies
This past week some of the children of our parish ventured to 1st Century Rome to experience what life was like during that time period, and get to meet some historical figures in the process! My favorite was Caesar Augustus, who, according to family legend, may have been a distant relative of mine, and was the Emperor of Rome at that time. Since then our family history seems to have taken quite a beating. Instead of Emperors and Popes, we now have insurance salesmen, barkeepers, carpenters, pizza makers, and priests. We must have lost the dowry along the way somewhere. Anyway, I had a wonderful time with the children and I hope they learned something about our first century ancestors. So, if in your travels you see one of the kids still wearing a toga, just remember where they got the idea. We may have started a new fashion trend!
I have been humbled lately by the wonderful generosity of our parish community, as some of our members have come forward to donate some money to families in our parish who are in need. One family came forward and donated $1000 for those St. Mark families who will need school supplies for their children as they go back to school in a few weeks. So if any of you need any help with school supplies, please don’t hesitate to contact Joe Phillips at the parish office.
Well, that is all for now. As you read this I will have just come back from vacation bright eyed and busy tailed! Well at least I hope!
Fr. David
Thursday, July 30, 2009
CRHP/ Garden Volunteers
As you read this, 23 women of our parish would have completed their Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend retreat here at St. Mark. I have to say what a wonderful group of ladies we had participate in it! They were fun, outgoing, creative, and many experienced a deep conversion in their lives due to this important time. I had lots of fun with them and being the only male in the room surrounded by a roomful of beautiful women only added to my joyful mood. I’m really thrilled that this ministry is taking off in our parish and, again, I would like to thank all those who continually make it possible for its success. Maybe Jesus truly will renew our parish to perform even greater things!
On another note, I am looking for a group of individuals who are interested in forming a committee to take care of our flowers here on campus. New plantings are in the works and if you are willing to help take care of God’s beautiful creation, call Kelly in the Parish office and let’s get started in making the grounds of St. Mark a wonderful tribute to our God! The yoke will be easy and the burden light! May God bless your stewardship!
Next week I will be on vacation for a week so you won’t see me at the Masses. Tom Watson has invited me to Kansas to work on his putting game, so my time will be occupied with many of those things related to the golf stroke. Anyway, see you the following week!
That is all for now, continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Friday, July 24, 2009
St. Jude Award
Every year Bishop Lynch writes to all pastors asking if they would nominate someone from their parish to receive the St. Jude Award Medal for outstanding service to their respective parishes. This award goes to an individual who has been instrumental in making our parish a vibrant one. They usually work behind the scenes with no fanfare or benefits but to serve God and His people. Thus it is with deep love, respect, and honor that I posthumously present to you the winner of the St. Jude Award Medal: Mr. Rob Rabil. As many of you know, Rob passed away earlier this year after a long battle with cancer. Even during his illness, he never stopped working behind the scenes due to his great love for St. Mark parish. Accepting the Award on November 22, 2009 will be his wife Fern and their three children, Madeline, Michael, and Eric. This is truly a great honor for the family and for St. Mark. I ask your prayers for them in their time of need and may our good friend rest in the arms of God.
By now many of you (who care) have seen the final round of “The Open” and saw the dramatic final few holes. My heart goes out to Tom Watson for playing so well all week only to miss that short putt on the 18th and eventually lose. To get that far at 59 years old was truly amazing! It goes to show that we “older” guys can still play this game if we put our mind to it. However, my nerves aren’t as solid as they once were; I usually fold by the 3rd hole. I can only imagine what he felt looking over that ball and trying to make a good stroke. However, it was not to be and Stewart Cink snuck in there to take the trophy. The only redeeming thing about the experience was what Paul Azinger said when Cink won. He said that Tom Watson winning another Open championship won’t change his life. However, it will for Stewart Cink! Pretty good call all around. Maybe I should go into sports writing as a side hobby!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Friday, July 10, 2009
Vacation Bible School
It was a quiet week at St. Mark for once although it looks like July is going to be full of events! The men’s and ladies’ Christ Renews His Parish, CRHP), will soon be underway with the men meeting as you read this, and the women meeting in two weeks. In the middle of all this is Vacation Bible School, in which the theme of “Early Rome” will be highlighted. This year we are having a super special person play the part of the powerful Caesar Augustus with toga, crown, and all that goes with being the emperor. The handsome young man playing the part is a huge secret, but I did hear he has Roman blood already flowing in his veins and due to his muscular physique, intelligence, and downright holiness, he will play an excellent role of emperor. Anyway, we may take some pictures. Stay tuned!
I don’t know about you but I have to say “ENOUGH ALREADY” with all the inside stories of the life of Michael Jackson. Like many of you, I grew up with his music and continue to believe that he was the best there was in pop music and we should just let him rest finally in peace. It just goes to show that all the money and talent in the world can never fill that void each human being has in their hearts that only God can fill. I hope we can remember how right St. Augustine was when he said that., “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” Thus in the words of Earnest Hooper, writer for the St. Petersburg Times, “That’s all I’m saying”.
Well, indeed, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Father David
Friday, June 26, 2009
Last week I was glued to the TV set watching the U.S. Open in Long Island, N.Y. And, thankfully, between the postponements due to rain and darkness, I was able to get some work done. I think every golfer grows up dreaming about playing in the Open. I remember in my younger and free-swinging days, I was no exception. Now, I enjoy watching the young unknowns creeping up the leader board and maybe, for just a few brief moments, the world sees his name with the likes of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson! What a tremendous thrill that would be and they would be heroes in their small cities. Unfortunately, they begin to fade away like one of my errant drives, never to be heard from again. And yet, that is the thrill of the U.S. Open, where anybody can win as long as they have the stamina and nerves like steel. I think I would have folded after the first drive on the first hole so I give them lots of credit. As of this writing, I don’t know who the winner is, but I’m sure the thrill he feels right now cannot be put into words.
In just a couple of weeks Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) will be offering to the men of the parish an opportunity to experience a great weekend of spiritual renewal. These weekends are always wonderful times to strengthen our faith and showing how God actually works in our daily experience. If you haven’t signed up, I would highly recommend that you do! The women of our parish are also on fire and they will be meeting up later on in the month so I would check the bulletin and website for details. Help yourself to a profound experience!
Summers are a time for lots of planning for the future and we certainly have had our share of meetings lately. I am truly excited at what we have prepared in the coming year and beyond. More details will be forthcoming as the time gets closer.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Dad's Day
Last week many of our parishioners and I attended the 120th Anniversary of the Benedictine presence at St Leo Abby. We were able to see the wonderful renovations done by the community for this special event. The Abby church was brightened up and polished. It looks fantastic! Abbot Isaac spoke of the great history of the Benedictine order in this community and singled out various people, (some from St. Mark), who contributed to make this event happen. It was great seeing Abbot Isaac in his role as Abbot of the monastery and his special relationship with our own St. Mark community. Congratulations Abbot Isaac!
By now you may have noticed the elegant curbing surrounding our gardens! This was made possible by the donation of Alberto and Ainoa Solorzano, who have also done the plantings of trees and flowers just outside the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. What a wonderful expression of Stewardship this great couple has expressed here at St. Mark and we are all the better for it! May God continue to bless their goodness! This weekend, we celebrate Fathers’ Day and we remember all fathers living and deceased for their presence in our lives. We will be praying for them throughout the month of June and I hope you all make “dad’s day” a special one!
Last week Sweet Bay Supermarkets were here to present a check to our St. Vincent de Paul Society for $3,400 which matched the amount of pounds of food collected from our generous parishioners a few weekends ago. I’m thrilled that we were able to partner with this great company to feed the hungry of our community. They are also responsible for supplying all the turkeys during our annual Thanksgiving Day drive, spending hours with us in the distribution of the turkeys, making sure they are ready to be sent. Please support this great store on Bruce B. Downs and thank them for their support of our efforts. I would like to especially thank Christi Rogers, the new Sweet Bay Manager, for continuing this great relationship with us. Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Weddings, Baptisms and Plans for the new Church
It seems that the beginning of summer is also the time for weddings! In the last week, I celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony to three couples who have been preparing for the past six months. It’s always a joyous time and I feel so thrilled and privileged to be a small part of this intimate moment in their lives. Congratulations to all of you and may God continue to bless your union!
This past Saturday I celebrated 13 baptisms of children in their beautiful baptismal garments with their smiling faces. Little children are always so receptive to this grace, and some actually try to help me put the water on their head. One little, boy who was around a year old, wasn’t real happy with me pouring water on his head. He screamed his lungs out, and for the rest of the ceremony he wanted no part of me! He would turn away and scream every time I got near him. I wonder if that little boy will stress out every time he sees me in church and think I’m a mean ogre or something. I’ll have to watch for him the next time he’s here!
As many of you know, we had originally planned to have a Capital Campaign for a new church last year but due to the economic crisis, that was postponed until further notice. This additional time also has given us an opportunity to continue the design phase of our new church, and work through the many details that come with building construction. We hope to have the actual detailed design of the Church finished when we present it at the Capital Campaign functions in the near future. It already looks magnificent and I think all of you will be happy with what the committees have come up with while working with the architect. Keep praying that the economy will improve even more, and that many will be able to get back to work!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Graduations, First Communions, Confirmations, etc.
Well, it’s beginning to look like the summer season has arrived with all the graduations, First Communions, Confirmations, etc., and although I’m not a fan of the hot weather, I have to say we certainly need the break that summer brings from the hustle and bustle of ordinary life. It’s a time to recharge and get to know our family and friends better by spending more time with them with weekend barbeques, vacation plans, and sporting events. However, I think summer is also a great time to get to know God in a deeper way by continuing our Mass attendance. It seems we take a vacation from Church, too, during these times and I know it really is important to maintain our weekly ritual so as not to miss out on the graces we receive. So let’s make a special effort not to forget about God during these summer months and take the time to increase our faith and love!
I invited my twin brother, Frank, to come and play golf with me last week in the Hunters Green Member-Guest tournament and I must say we hung in there despite my poor play. It seems everything I learn on the practice range suddenly abandons me when I get on the actual course. However, I did play some good holes to help the cause and it was interesting that he didn’t yell at me at all for my wayward shots. When we grew up together, I was always the brunt of his ire when I miscued on any sporting event and now there is silence. I wonder if age has caught up with him and now he’s become a “gentler” person is his old age. After all, he IS fifteen minutes older and needs to make a good example for me.
On another note, the time gets nearer for our two men in the Diaconate program to finally be ordained this October. Scott Paine and Jose Moranta are two gifted men who have answered the call by God and will serve the Church as Deacons in a few more months. Continue to keep them in your prayers and we look forward to their gift of Ministry. Watch the bulletin for more details as this great day arrives.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day 2009
These past two weeks have been pretty important in our parish life. First of all, we celebrated the death of our own Robert Rabil who has been an integral part of our great parish for a number of years. Rob succumbed to cancer two weeks ago at an early age of 48. He leaves his wife, Fern, and three children. It is hard to say how much we will miss his presence among us since he was so active in planning the future of St. Mark Parish. He was once the Chairman of our Finance Council until I had asked him to be the Chairman of the Steering Committee to help build our new church. Not only was he a well respected member of our parish, he was truly a friend to me and a cherished voice of reason in the midst of difficult decisions that needed to be faced. I’m not sure why he was called home at an early age, but I do know that I will miss him. I thank God for giving this great man to us for the short time he was here. May God bless and keep you, my dear friend. I ask that we all pray for his family as they go through this difficult time. Until we meet again, I say well done, good and faithful servant!
This weekend we also celebrate our Mothers and all the sacrifices and love they have given us in this life. Although we take them for granted on many occasions, we certainly realize their impact once they’re gone. May God bless our Mothers living and deceased as we celebrate this cherished weekend!
Last but not least, I did get the chance to play some golf last Friday and I have to say, although I didn’t score very well, I actually hit the ball more consistently than I have been. It took me almost 16 holes to lose my original ball and then on that hole, I lost two. Oh well, small miracles still do happen once in a awhile.
That is all for now, continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Easter basket
Greetings to all of you!
As this is written, Holy Week and the celebrations of Easter have come and gone and I want to thank all of you who took part in the planning, decorating, and execution of this wonderful event. Again ,this year we had a profound experience of the last days of Christ leading up to the joy of the Resurrection. Without the dedication and self-sacrifice of those involved, this would not have happened. We congratulate all our new Catholics; I can still see the glow in their faces after that wonderful Easter Vigil night when they made their decision to be one with us! Continue to pray for them as they continue this new journey in their lives. What can I say about the new organ that was such a joy to hear and experience on that Easter Sunday! John Paul had that organ singing and it really added to the celebration and joy of this profound experience. To all of you I offer my thanks and blessings for a great Easter, and I look forward to even greater things to come!
Even though the Easter festivities have subsided, we continue to have other events that are also important in the mission of our parish. On May 8th, the youth of our parish will have an Art Auction to raise money for their trip to the National Convention. These trips are so important in their development as faith filled Catholics as they mingle with many youth from around the world who bring their own experiences of this wonderful God. Tickets for the Art Auction are being sold before and after the Masses. I hope you will be able to attend.
We also are having an important retreat day for married couples called, “Married and Loving It”, which will be put on by couples involved in the Marriage Encounter movement. Sign-up will be after the Masses in the next couple of weeks.
Well, that is all for now. I’m still going through my Easter basket full of chocolate candy including this solid chocolate rabbit! I’m hoping I will be able to swing a golf club around my big belly when it’s all over. Continue to love and pray for each other.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
He is Risen!
Alleluia! He is Risen! What a wonderful message of hope that the Lord had given us on this Easter morning over two thousand years ago and yet that message continues to heal broken hearts and spirits in our world today. Light has overcome the darkness. Despite our tough economic times, Christians all around the world are called to keep this hope alive in the small things we can do for each other. May this Easter Season bring hope to the lives that are hurting, and to those of us who are able to help may we be that light to them by modeling our lives after the deep love and sacrifice of the crucified and risen Christ!
This past week was the end of our weekly Lenten fish fry held by the Knights of Columbus and it seems that this year was a record year in sales! I think the word is getting around the community how great the fish frys are and what a good value it is to families. But more importantly, it brings about wonderful fellowship not only among our parishioners, but to the community that surrounds us! I would like to thank Grand Knight, Doug Gephart, and all the Knights who were involved in making this year such a great success. They worked very hard and it showed!
Last week, we also launched our new website! I’m thrilled by the look and ease of accessibility that the new website brings. I hope all of you are able to check it out. You will find wonderful information on all aspects of parish activity and answers to questions you may have about our Church. I would like to thank Chuck Rizzo, the Communications Committee, and David Larson who spent countless hours putting the design together. Well done!
Lastly, we also are launching a new concept to our church in which you will be able to donate online, thereby discontinuing the need to use of envelopes to make your weekly contribution. I used to forget my envelopes before coming to church on many occasions. Now I don’t have to worry about it since it is charged to my credit card on a weekly basis. This way I continue to keep God first in my life by practicing the treasure portion of stewardship without the worry of trying to remember the envelope. It’s very easy to do, just go to our website for information and directions, or just call us at the office.
Well, that is all for now! May the Lord continue to offer you hope in this blessed Easter Season!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dedication of the Church's New Organ
What a wonderful display of music last Sunday afternoon as we dedicated the new organ to God. Our own, Dr. John Paul Cappa, wowed the crowd with his musical abilities performing various works by the Masters of Organ music. The great sound that came from this phenomenal instrument was incredible and all who attended were so pleased that something this good came out of New Tampa, (a play on words there)!. Hopefully, we will have more events such as this in the future and highlight St. Mark as one of the music centers of the area.
As of this writing there will be one more opportunity to enjoy the great Fish Fry held every Friday during Lent by the Knights of Columbus. We have had record sales this year and they now have it all down to a science. Hopefully, next year we are thinking of having available baked fish for our “fried-challenged” individuals, (of which, I am one) so more can participate. Many of those who have attended this year’s fish fry can attest to how good it really is, so don’t miss this last chance for the year.
I did finally get out on the golf course the other day enjoying this beautiful weather! Although my game still has a way to go, I did see some signs of progress. I think I strained a muscle in my back from swinging to hard or maybe it was too much? Anyway, it was great to get out and I hope to do so again before the hot weather gets here.
Speaking of hot weather, I realize we all like to wear comfortable dress when we come to Church, but sometimes it seems that what we’re wearing is more appropriate for the beach rather than a House of God. I’m thrilled that people come, but I just hope, out of respect and dignity for the profound event that is happening at Mass, that we dress more appropriately. There, I said it! Now don’t throw tomatoes at me! Maybe next week, I’ll address the issue of leaving early which may fit in with the passion and death of Jesus during Holy Week.
As you read this I will be on retreat this weekend to get ready for Easter so I will pray for all of you!
Well, that is all for now, continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Annual New Tampa Rotary “Pig Roast”
This Sunday is the start of the “Scrutinies” for those who are to be baptized during the Easter Vigil. The Scrutinies are a centuries old rite in which the Catechumens renounce their old ways of life and allow the light of Christ to enter their hearts. There will be three of these moments in the next few Sundays and they will occur at different Masses. It is also a reminder for each of us to “scrutinize” our own lives so we can be more like Christ. Continue to pray for our Catechumens and Candidates as they make their final journey to full communion in the Catholic Church.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given to each other.
Fr. David
Friday, March 6, 2009
The New Year...
Greetings to all of you!
Now that we are into the year 2009, it seems we need to take a deep breath and prepare for the upcoming months of uncertainty in the financial markets, as well as in our economy. I do know that many of you are hurting and I have been praying very hard that the situation will change for the better in the near future. Just keep remembering that God is good and for those who have faith, the desires of our heart will be fulfilled. Keep that faith alive and let us continue to help and pray for each other!
In order to continue making this such a great welcoming parish, we will be introducing Greeters before all the Masses to welcome regular parishioners, newcomers, and guests to our parish. I’m sure you have seen Stan Chmura all these years greeting many of you as you came into Mass, so we decided to give him some help! Of course we could always use more friendly faces to be greeters so if you would like to join this important ministry, please contact Kelly at the office.
I witnessed a wonderful event last Saturday. Our Confirmation Group attended their retreat at the
Last weekend, 26 men also experienced a changing event in their lives by participating in the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend. It’s wonderful to see men share their spiritual and life’s journey with other men and thereby see how the Good Lord works in our lives. The women are participating this weekend and I can already see the fire of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who attend. I hope you will be able to attend one yourself in the near future. Ask any of those involved and you will hear for yourself.
I’m also very proud of four young men in our parish who have been awarded the great honor of “Eagle Scout.” They are Brian Guidry, Eric Christensen, Alex Presse, and Austin Shin who are part of Troop 148 and meet here at St. Mark. It’s pretty unusual for four people to be awarded this high honor at one time and to think that all are from our parish is simply amazing! Congratulations to our four new recipients! Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Old Blogs Have Been Moved