Last week many of our parishioners and I attended the 120th Anniversary of the Benedictine presence at St Leo Abby. We were able to see the wonderful renovations done by the community for this special event. The Abby church was brightened up and polished. It looks fantastic! Abbot Isaac spoke of the great history of the Benedictine order in this community and singled out various people, (some from St. Mark), who contributed to make this event happen. It was great seeing Abbot Isaac in his role as Abbot of the monastery and his special relationship with our own St. Mark community. Congratulations Abbot Isaac!
By now you may have noticed the elegant curbing surrounding our gardens! This was made possible by the donation of Alberto and Ainoa Solorzano, who have also done the plantings of trees and flowers just outside the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. What a wonderful expression of Stewardship this great couple has expressed here at St. Mark and we are all the better for it! May God continue to bless their goodness! This weekend, we celebrate Fathers’ Day and we remember all fathers living and deceased for their presence in our lives. We will be praying for them throughout the month of June and I hope you all make “dad’s day” a special one!
Last week Sweet Bay Supermarkets were here to present a check to our St. Vincent de Paul Society for $3,400 which matched the amount of pounds of food collected from our generous parishioners a few weekends ago. I’m thrilled that we were able to partner with this great company to feed the hungry of our community. They are also responsible for supplying all the turkeys during our annual Thanksgiving Day drive, spending hours with us in the distribution of the turkeys, making sure they are ready to be sent. Please support this great store on Bruce B. Downs and thank them for their support of our efforts. I would like to especially thank Christi Rogers, the new Sweet Bay Manager, for continuing this great relationship with us. Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.