Well, it’s beginning to look like the summer season has arrived with all the graduations, First Communions, Confirmations, etc., and although I’m not a fan of the hot weather, I have to say we certainly need the break that summer brings from the hustle and bustle of ordinary life. It’s a time to recharge and get to know our family and friends better by spending more time with them with weekend barbeques, vacation plans, and sporting events. However, I think summer is also a great time to get to know God in a deeper way by continuing our Mass attendance. It seems we take a vacation from Church, too, during these times and I know it really is important to maintain our weekly ritual so as not to miss out on the graces we receive. So let’s make a special effort not to forget about God during these summer months and take the time to increase our faith and love!
I invited my twin brother, Frank, to come and play golf with me last week in the Hunters Green Member-Guest tournament and I must say we hung in there despite my poor play. It seems everything I learn on the practice range suddenly abandons me when I get on the actual course. However, I did play some good holes to help the cause and it was interesting that he didn’t yell at me at all for my wayward shots. When we grew up together, I was always the brunt of his ire when I miscued on any sporting event and now there is silence. I wonder if age has caught up with him and now he’s become a “gentler” person is his old age. After all, he IS fifteen minutes older and needs to make a good example for me.
On another note, the time gets nearer for our two men in the Diaconate program to finally be ordained this October. Scott Paine and Jose Moranta are two gifted men who have answered the call by God and will serve the Church as Deacons in a few more months. Continue to keep them in your prayers and we look forward to their gift of Ministry. Watch the bulletin for more details as this great day arrives.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.