Greetings to all of you!
It was a quiet week at St. Mark for once although it looks like July is going to be full of events! The men’s and ladies’ Christ Renews His Parish, CRHP), will soon be underway with the men meeting as you read this, and the women meeting in two weeks. In the middle of all this is Vacation Bible School, in which the theme of “Early Rome” will be highlighted. This year we are having a super special person play the part of the powerful Caesar Augustus with toga, crown, and all that goes with being the emperor. The handsome young man playing the part is a huge secret, but I did hear he has Roman blood already flowing in his veins and due to his muscular physique, intelligence, and downright holiness, he will play an excellent role of emperor. Anyway, we may take some pictures. Stay tuned!
I don’t know about you but I have to say “ENOUGH ALREADY” with all the inside stories of the life of Michael Jackson. Like many of you, I grew up with his music and continue to believe that he was the best there was in pop music and we should just let him rest finally in peace. It just goes to show that all the money and talent in the world can never fill that void each human being has in their hearts that only God can fill. I hope we can remember how right St. Augustine was when he said that., “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” Thus in the words of Earnest Hooper, writer for the St. Petersburg Times, “That’s all I’m saying”.
Well, indeed, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Father David