Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Annual New Tampa Rotary “Pig Roast”

The annual New Tampa Rotary “pig roast” held at St. Mark’s last Sunday was a huge success again this year as we braved sunshine and beautiful temperatures. The venue here is so perfect for these events and many of our own parishioners attended the event filling themselves with roasted pork and chicken, along with some great ice cream! It was a feast almost comparable to our own fish frys during Lent. Thanks to all of you who made the day a rounding success and especially to Mike Wallace, of the Friday morning Rotary, for his continued interest and hard work in making all this happen!
This Sunday is the start of the “Scrutinies” for those who are to be baptized during the Easter Vigil. The Scrutinies are a centuries old rite in which the Catechumens renounce their old ways of life and allow the light of Christ to enter their hearts. There will be three of these moments in the next few Sundays and they will occur at different Masses. It is also a reminder for each of us to “scrutinize” our own lives so we can be more like Christ. Continue to pray for our Catechumens and Candidates as they make their final journey to full communion in the Catholic Church.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given to each other.

Fr. David

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