Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I wish to take this time to thank all of you who have submitted their intent forms for our Stewardship renewal held here last week. This is truly a first step to creating an atmosphere of gratitude here at St. Mark and I know for a fact this will change the way you look at the world and what it has to offer. Take a step in faith…..embrace the joy that we were all meant to have in this life of Christian belief. If you haven’t sent in your intent form, we have a box in the Narthex, or you can drop it in the collection basket. May God bless your desire to deepen your relationship with Him who wishes us every good thing.

I have been getting some calls and emails regarding the H1N1 flu virus and our response to it here at St. Mark. I realize that many people are concerned about the chance of transmitting the virus to each other through shaking, holding hands, or drinking from the cup. I have decided here at St. Mark that we will continue our practices as part of our normal liturgical life. However, as adults, we all have the option of NOT doing the above mentioned practices so please don’t be offended if someone does not wish to shake, hold your hand, or drink from the common cup. A simple nod, etc. is sufficient and will not offend. When it comes to Holy Communion, our Eucharistic Ministers have been instructed to use the antiseptic spray provided in the sanctuary before giving out communion. I hope that this decision is acceptable to everyone as we try to get through this flu season.

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.

Fr. David