Monday, February 3, 2014

Closed on our new Loan

Greetings to all of you!
Last week we took another step to the building of our new Church as we closed on the loan for the New Church in the amount of $5.75 million dollars! I know it sounds like a lot of money and, of course, it is. However, I do have tremendous faith that we will be able to pay it off in sufficient time so we will be able to celebrate with another mortgage burning party in the near future. I will have more information on the terms of the loan shortly. Thank you all once again for the sacrifices you have made and are making to make all of this a reality. Wait until you see what amazing things will come out of our great St. Mark Community!
As you have probably experienced, our new Construction has blocked off much of our parking area and we hope to have the rectified very soon. We will have some temporary solutions until the new planned grass parking lot is finished on the other side of the paved parking. So I ask for your continued patience as we slowly make our way. Thank you!

As you read this, I'm probably struggling on the 7th hole at Hunters Green getting the ball on the green! Say a prayer for me! I will let you know how I transpired the next time we get together. 

Well, that is all for now. May God bless you all with His great love!


Fr. David