Sunday, September 30, 2012

Exciting Weeks at St. Mark

Greetings to all of you!

These last couple of weeks have been very exciting ones for St. Mark. First we had the International Festival that was an outstanding success! Over 900 people came to experience the various cultures of our great parish and they were treated to wonderful entertainment and mouthwatering foods from the different regions. I'd like to thank everyone who was involved in the planning and execution of this event, especially our chairs, Mike and Barbara Delman for doing such an outstanding job! It was a little congested going from room to room with all those people but the foods from the countries that I tasted were very delicious, even the food from the Irish booth! (A little Italian humor there, please don't take offense). Anyway, I can't wait for next year to see what the committee has planned!

Speaking of relieving some of that congestion, we also celebrated last Sunday the kick-off for our second phase of our building program for a new Church. This truly is an exciting moment for our parish as we are on the way of making this a reality. As you know, the Diocese has given us permission to break ground when we collect $5 million in cash and so far we are just over $2 million with almost $4 million in pledges. We are asking all parishioners to pray and see if we all can make a one year pledge to reach the $5 million figure. Whatever you can sacrifice, even if it's a one time gift, will go a long way to our goal. The excitement is building! Please be a part of St. Mark history!

Well, that is all for now.. Continue to pray for each other and may the Lord Bless your goodness!



Father David