Monday, July 16, 2012

Parish (CRHP) Retreat

July 16, 2012

Greetings to all of you!
This weekend the Men's Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat is going on here at St. Mark as many of us are reading this column. It always amazes me how so many men's lives are changed by this experience as the Holy Spirit begins to work during this weekend. I've seen marriages strengthened, lives turning around, priorities changing, among many other rich blessings. This is a weekend that recharges our batteries and puts us on the path to holiness. However, it's not magic! Many still have to be open to the Spirit and some times much sacrifice needs to be made. Yet, for those who take in this experience, great things begin to happen in your life. I know for me, it was CRHP that changed my life and led me eventually to seek the Priesthood. So let us pray for these brave men and may their hearts be changed! For the ladies, your weekend starts in two weeks. I'm not sure if there are any open spaces left for this retreat, but it will be repeated again in February. Watch the bulletin for details.
These past few months our staff has been undergoing some strategic planning workshops assisted by Alan Caron & Associates to better serve our parish family. With the input from our staff, Alan has put together some great ideas and strategies to make St. Mark parish one of the best in the country. We are so blessed to have Alan as part of our parish family and he is offering his services free of charge as part of his stewardship to God and our parish community. We all thank Alan for his wonderful gifts and helping us to achieve something that will propel St. Mark to even greater heights in the future! God has so blessed us with so many fine people here at our parish and Alan is one of them. Thank you Alan!
Well that is all for now. I hope you all are enjoying the hot and rainy summer so far and the kids are still loving the fact that there is no school! Anyway, continue to treat each other with kindness and love.
Father David