Thursday, October 22, 2009

Golf Tourny/Octoberfest/Stewardship

Greetings to all of you!

As the weather begins to cool, my golf clubs are screaming for me to get out and hit them! Now I don’t have an excuse except the fact that my game isn’t what it used to be. However, I do need to get out there real soon and practice up for the Annual St. Mark Golf Tournament at Hunter’s Green on November 1st. This year I will be on the 7th hole for the “Beat the Priest” competition in which I try to get the ball closer to the pin than all my opponents. Unfortunately, it seems all that one has to do to win is hit the ball on the green since I’m never there anyway. However, I do remind the golfers of that LARGE lake of water to the right and those finicky “out of bounds” stakes on the left. After all, I think they need to be warned of the impending danger! So if you haven’t gotten your foursome yet, or you just want to play, we can hook you up with some great guys and gals. Come out and say you “beat” Father David and have bragging rights for the year!
Last Saturday night we enjoyed great weather as we celebrated Oktoberfest again this year! The food was great and the entertainment had us dancing and singing. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for putting on this fun fest every year, and for the great job they did! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
In the next few weeks you will be hearing more about St. Mark’s commitment to a Stewardship way of life. In November, we will finally help you to embrace this attitude of gratefulness to God by showing you the many ways to accomplish it. Again, Stewardship is a journey of faith and trust; I don’t think there is any better way of “falling in love with God” than this one. I pray that you will embrace it as I did many years ago! This weekend is the Stewardship Extravaganza which will highlight all the great things the parish does to further the message of Christ. I hope that you will take a few minutes to walk through it and meet some great people!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other!


Fr. David