Greetings to all of you!
This month is the time for graduations and it seems I have been going to a few of them lately that really were a momentous event in the life of the graduate and their families. It's always exciting to see a young person finish one part of their life while moving on in a whole new direction. This year one of my favorite nieces will be graduating high school and it really wouldn't be that special except for the fact that she is the dreaded "middle child" and has had to endure the great achievements of her sisters and brother before and after her. However, in the last few years she has blossomed into one of the best volleyball players in the state and, even better, she has developed into a sweet, sincere, and loving young woman. So I guess I can be excused a little for bragging about her accomplishments despite her difficult journey in still a very young life. It will be interesting to see what college brings and just maybe she will be one of those superstars and take care of her old Uncle David in his old age. So, congratulations to all our St. Mark graduates and please know that like Jesus, we will always be here to love and support you in whatever journey your life leads you!
Now that it's getting hot, I've been reluctant to take out the racing bike and journey around Flatwoods Park. However, I need to be a little less of a wimp and get myself back out there despite the blazing debilitating sun! Thanks to all of you that sent me little tricks you use to deal with the heat. I'll have to try them and see what happens! I also need to get back hitting some golf balls since my brothers are getting lessons and gunning for me the next time we play together. I think I'm in big trouble on all fronts!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David