Greetings to all of you!
Wow! What a tremendous display of generosity that St. Mark’s parishioners again showed to a need! Last week, we celebrated “Wheelchair Sunday”, in which a presentation was made on behalf of the Knights of Columbus for wheelchairs to veterans and the needy throughout the world. Christopher Lewis, son of the famous Jerry Lewis, was here to make the appeal and you came through in grand style! Over $20,000 was collected, and this will go a long way in providing wheelchairs to those who cannot afford one. Despite difficult economic times, your stewardship knows no bounds! Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for introducing this to our parish, and I thank all of you once again for coming through when the need is so evident! I know God will bless us all!
I finally did get on the golf course last week, and despite playing through the summer heat, my game was the best I've played in a few years. I played with two young bucks who hit the ball amazingly long, but in the end it was accuracy and experience that won the day! I'm not sure what transpired, but the ball seemed to go straight for once, and my putts were finding the hole. Maybe I should take three months off more often since I play so well when I lay off for awhile. Anyway, I did teach those young bucks a lesson, and I'm sure they're going to be after me from now on. I say, "bring it on!"
This coming weekend, the Men's Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) will be conducting their retreat, and we pray for all the men who will be attending this life changing event. Keep them in your thoughts as they continue their journey to a closer relationship with the God who is so good to us!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other!
Fr. David