Greetings to all of you!
First of all, what a wonderful time we experienced during our first annual parish picnic organized by the Stewardship Commission. Over 500 people came, and although it was a little warm, we were delighted by all the food, soft drinks, games, etc. that made this event one of our highlights of the year. There are so many groups to thank, but I would like to especially thank the Knights of Columbus for all their work in setting up and cooking all that food and Julio Dones and the Stewardship Commission for all their work in making this happen. Good job everyone, and I hope next year God gives us a nice cool day!
Last Sunday, 97 young men and women received Confirmation here at St. Mark with Abbot Isaac presiding. The church was packed with relatives and friends from far and wide gathering for this beautiful ceremony. It is always a great feeling to see these young people complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church as they go out into the world and live this Gospel of Love!
We are currently underway in the “soft” phase of our Capital Campaign for a new Church building and thus far those who have been asked to help financially and with their talents are doing it with enthusiasm! If things go well during this phase, we hope to kick off the campaign in January of 2011. What an exciting time for us here at St. Mark! I ask for your prayers and support when the time comes. We are growing so fast and our area needs a prominent spiritual home, especially during these difficult economic times. Let’s make this happen for our families!
Now that it is getting hotter outside, I’m trying to find creative ways to ride my bike and still remain cool. If anyone has any advice, feel free to let me know since I usually wimp out when it gets too hot!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David