As we get closer to Christmas, there has been a lot of activity around the office in preparing to make this great celebration a memorable one. As you know, during Christmas Eve and Christmas day there are always a huge influx of people coming to Church. Unfortunately, due to our lack of space, many people simply have to stand outside in the Piazza to "attend" Mass. This year, to make it a somewhat better experience, we are putting up a tent outside so that the overflow can be better accommodated. Thus, two live Masses, one starting at 4;10 pm on Christmas Eve, and one 10;40 am on Christmas day will be celebrated in the tent this year. I hope that will relieve some of the foot traffic in the building and give people a better Mass experience. At least that's the idea and I hope it works, so spread the word!
In addition, we will be giving out books and CD's written by Matthew Kelly called "The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic". According to the book, those four signs are: Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization. After discussing this with the Stewardship and Advisory Board, we have agreed to follow Matthew Kelly's advice and implement this program in our parish. Each year we will be studying each characteristic so we can better disciples of Christ. Thus, beginning in January, we will begin to implement the aspect of prayer in our lives. Watch the bulletin for prayer experiences that will be offered here at St. Mark. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the entire parish became more prayerful after this year is over? We will show you how it can be done even in a busy schedule! So I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.
Well, that is all for now. I still have lots of shopping to do and less time to do it. Hopefully I can maintain my advent peace!
Fr. David