Greetings to all of you!
As you read this, I will be in Indianapolis, Indiana attending the National Youth Convention! Every two years this event is celebrated by over 20 thousand youth throughout the country and what a great experience to see so many of our young Church praising God! I am so looking forward to being there!
Also this weekend, two of our very own will be receiving the St.Jude Award Medal from Bishop Lynch at the Cathedral of St. Jude! Frank and Rosemary Laura were picked this year as the outstanding Stewards of St. Mark! We are so very blessed to have this great couple in our midst giving so much of their time and talent to our great parish. They will be the reigning King and Queen of St. Mark for the next year. Congratulations to you!
We are still in countdown mode for the ground breaking of our new Church. As you know, permits and my first born are usually required up front before this can happen. I will try to keep you posted.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to pray for the people of the Philippines.
Fr. David