Monday, April 15, 2013

Annual Tea Party

Greetings to all of you!
It seems April is just rolling along so quickly and before you know it May is here! Forget about April showers bringing May flowers because due !our crazy up and down climate here in Florida, I don't think the flowers know what time of the year it is! I'm just going to enjoy the last few weeks of cool weather before the hot summer comes. Where are my shorts????
Last week I attended the Annual Tea Party hosted by the Columbiettes and once again they outdid themselves! It's always a fun and happy time and I am so impressed by all the hard work these ladies put into this event. Each table was beautifully decorated in a different way and for a non-tea drinker, the tea was magnificent. I half expected Queen Elizabeth to make an appearance with her exotic hat but she must have forgotten. I'm also thrilled that the ladies decided to donate all of the proceeds from the Tea Party to the building fund! Thank you ladies!
As I'm writing this, the Masters is on TV and it looks like it's going down to the wire. I've been rooting for Angel Cabrerra from Argentina since we now have a Pope from there, we may as well have a Masters Champion from there too! I wonder if the Pope plays golf? Anyway, it's looking like a cliff hanger and I will know soon.
As you know we will be having the ancient rite of the Blessing of the Bells on Thursday, April 25th. It truly will be an historic moment in our Church history and it should prove to be a moving ceremony. Hope you can make it!
Well that is all for now. I hope you haven't eaten all your chocolate bunnies from Easter Sunday already!

Fr. David