Greetings to all of you!
It has been a few weeks since I've written because the holiday season always throws me for a loop when it comes to writing about my experiences on deadline schedules. Nevertheless, I hope to be back in the rhythm of things and write a little more consistently until the next holiday season approaches!
I hope by now we have gotten through Christmas and New Year unscathed and that we are still on our new year resolution schedule. I have made a few myself but of course I would never tell for fear of being accountable for what I promised, but as of this writing, I'm still on track! No, it doesn't concern my golf swing since that has been a wonderful lesson in hopelessness, but I do wish to improve upon a variety of things. Let's pray for each other in that!
These past few months we have been working hard on preparing for the upcoming Capital Campaign for a new church. A wide variety of dedicated individuals have come forward to work on the campaign and also have already made pledges. Despite the tough economic times, people have been VERY generous and willing to help to make this Church a reality. They see it as giving back to God for all His great blessings on us which really is what Stewardship is all about! So as we move forward, we pray that God will look upon us on this historic venture for our parish and bless us with his grace!
Next week, Christ Renews His Parish will conduct their 7th retreat weekend for men which is always a profound experience! Pray for those who will be attending this retreat and for their families who will sacrifice in allowing them to attend.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given in each other.
Fr. David