Greetings to all of you!
Year end always provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our successes for the year. Among the many is the success you have achieved with the Annual Pastoral Appeal. I am very pleased with the result thus far having achieved nearly 95% of our goal.
Remembering that our 2010 APA goal is $233,611, thus far 713 of our St. Mark family have pledged $220,995. The average gift is $ 310.00. Many of you have seen fit to support the Appeal even during these hard times. This speaks volumes about our St. Mark family and I am proud of you.
We still have a way to go, however, and I am asking those of you that gave last year to do so again this year. Those of you, who have not given, consider the need of the many ministries the Appeal supports. Thirty eight per cent, the largest portion of your donation supports Parish and Diocesan Ministries, family and life support ministries, multicultural ministries, Scouting and LPMI, just to name a few.
Services to Parishes and Schools, Catholic Formation and Education, Clergy, Religious and Seminarian Support and Vocation and Seminary Educations find support from your APA donations.
Please remember that we are committed to paying the $233,611. Any difference between your donations and the assessment will come from our general revenues. Make your donations directly by using the envelopes available in the Narthex or use a debit/credit card and donate online.
Thank you again for your support and it is my sincerest hope that we will meet our APA goal this year. One of my dreams is to have just one donation from you that will be used to support the different expenses we incur. I pray that this dream will be fulfilled.
Fr. David