Greetings to all of you!
What a wonderful time we all experienced last Saturday as we celebrated "Tea with God" here at the parish. Over 80 ladies and some of their young daughters participated in what we hope could be an annual event. We all heard inspiring messages from God and we were treated to some great tea and sandwiches from Maggie's Closet located on Cross Creek Blvd., and, of course, some wonderful desserts, some of which were made by a young lady from our parish who donated her Time, Talent, and Treasure for the event. We even had "Harry Conick Jr." along with Iris Galing and Dr. John Paul Cappa serenade the crowd with "All I Ask of You" from the "Phantom of the Opera" and a rousing rendition of "That’s What Friends are For", in which the audience participated. My many thanks to the Columbiettes and President Darlene Fritz, along with Chairwoman Nancy Larson and her committee for such an outstanding event. I'm looking forward to the next tea already!
As you read this, 30 people from the parish and I are on a plane heading to Rome to minister to the people along the Mediterranean Sea. I will be gone on a few weekends, so in my absence Fr. Ed will be running the parish, and I hope you will give him your full support as he ministers to your needs. I promise to pray for all of you as I visit the Basilica of St. Peter and view the actual bones of this beloved Apostle. Keep us in your prayers also as we embark on this treacherous journey! Hopefully, I'll have lots to tell when I get back.
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David