Thursday, September 30, 2010

Greetings to all of you!

This weekend, we would like to welcome Fr. Len Plazewski, Vocation Director of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Fr. Len will be preaching at all the Masses regarding vocations, and I know for a fact there are a number of young men and women who are interested in pursuing this call by God. Even in our young history, there have been three individuals from our parish who are discerning a vocation and are currently in formation in their respective religious houses. However, we do need young men to look into Diocesan Priesthood to serve our local area and young women to look into religious life. I can't think of a time when it is more needed for our community and nation to have people who will serve in this way. So, if you think that someone in your family or circle of friends has the call to Priesthood or Religious life, let me know! Our Vocation Team headed by Monin Gonzalez is doing great work in promoting it, and I'm so grateful for all their work.

No more golf to report on after the hole-in-one, but since the weather is cooling down a bit, I may decide to chase that little white ball around again. Then again, after a shot like that, what else do I have to shoot for?

Well, it looks like one more week to go before many from our parish along with myself will be visiting the Missions of Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and Egypt. I'm sure the people of those countries will be so grateful for our presence as we minister to their needs as only people from St. Mark can do! It will be a huge sacrifice and struggle on our part, but somebody has to venture out from our own safety and preach the word of God. I just hope we can tolerate the many days of being at sea and dining on the grub they usually give you on these big rigs. I have yet to begin to pack! Anyway, pray for us!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David