Monday, March 3, 2014

Lent Has Begun

Greetings to all of you!
As you read this, Lent has begun!  When I was younger, I really wasn't a real fan of lent because it simply meant that I had to "give up" something that I enjoyed and I always wondered why God would want me to do that!?  Of course, as I grew older I realized differently.  Now I always look forward to this time of year when I am reminded once again of the more important things in life.  Here's hoping that we can get to a deeper meaning of Lent this year.  Why not make a better effort at prayer this lent in our "Year of Prayer."  Believe me, it will change your life!
Last Saturday I participated in the "Academy Awards" ceremony put on by the Columbiettes!  Stars from all over the stage and screen from Liberace to Honey Boo Boo were on hand to sign autographs and perform for the people attending.  It was a wild ride and one that was enjoyed by all.  I thank Barbara Delman and her many helpers for putting on such a great show to help in the building of our new Church!  I can't wait to see what they have planned for next year!
This weekend we will be traveling to the newly renovated Cathedral for the Rite of Election!  This is always a highlight in our year when the unbaptized (Catecumens) and Candidates (those baptized in other faiths) are greeted by Bishop Lynch and "Elected" to move forward to the Easter Vigil where they will be made Catholics!  It's such an exciting time not only for them, but for us too!
Well, that is all for now.  May God bless you abundantly during this Holy Time.
Fr. David