Greetings to all of you!
I am so thrilled that the weather is finally breaking and getting cooler as the fall goes on! I haven't played golf since
February of this past year and the clubs have been calling out to me to get some sun. I even took my bike out the other day and flew around Flatwoods Park in record time although I could feel the sore muscles the next day! With the cooler
weather, we celebrated our annual Oktoberfest last Saturday night and thanks to the Knights of Columbus, a great timewas had by all. I look forward to the bratwurst every year and this year it was especially tasty! I even had part of a funnel cake that was so addicting I had to walk away from the funnel cake oven so I wouldn't be tempted yet again. Thanks to all who participated in the event and especially those brave enough to get up and dance to the great music provided. Thanks again my brother Knights! Another job well done.
This week we will be kicking off our annual Stewardship renewal beginning with the parade of ministries located out under the big tent! We are so blessed to have so many people take ownership of our parish and become involved with the work of Christ. Many miracles have happened here at St. Mark because of them so why not deepen your faith in Christ by getting involved! Believe me, your life will change!
Speaking of how Stewardship can change a life, we are so honored and proud here at St. Mark with from what I can tell is our FIRST vocation to the Religious Life. Deacon Scott Paine and his wife, Carol, are now the proud parents of SISTER CLARE who accepted her habit a few weeks ago! Congratulations to Sr. Clare and may God bless your ministry!
I hope by now many of you have seen the new video that was sent to your emails regarding the new Church. It was so well done and I think Cyndi Letzeisen, Jeff Cobb, Tammy Peralta at "Bean Productions", and the rest of the marketing committee that put this together! Look for additional videos in the months to come in our quest to raise $3 million by Christmas of 2013! May God bless our effort!
As you read this, I will be on my way with my brothers to Italy for a cruise around the Mediterranean! It has been many years since I had the opportunity to go on vacation with more than one brother and so I'm looking forward to the experience. We will be visiting the birthplace of our mother during our visit to Rome which will be a special moment for us. Meeting cousins, uncles, aunts, etc will be also very exciting. I'll see you in a couple of weeks!
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless all of us at St. Mark!
Fr. Davidd