Friday, March 16, 2012

Lent and Adoration

Greetings to all of you!

I hope this Lenten season is going well for all of you!  It always gives me confidence when I am able to discipline myself and overcome things in my life that keep me from being the best version of myself.  Giving up golf for lent has truly made my stress level decrease immeasurably!  Maybe some of you out there ought to try it.  

The Lenten fish fries have been a wonderful success thus far and the weather has been brilliant!  It's always great to see singles and families come together and enjoy the food and fellowship at our Church and I thank the Knights of Columbus for making this such a successful and fun event. I've had the backbreaking job of being the official taste tester and although it can be unbearable at times, I do wish to make sure our product is suitable to the discriminating tastes of our St. Mark family.  So if you haven't gotten the chance to attend this fun event, I invite you to do so before lent ends.  You will truly enjoy it all!  

Lastly, I have been noticing how many people have either signed up or simply attend the times for adoration and prayer these last few months.  In January we decided to invite individuals to sit before the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel and pray for the success of Stewardship in our parish.  As you know, Stewardship impacts our faith life to a huge extent and from that practice, many great things begin to happen in our lives and in the lives of our parish family.  So take some time out of your busy week and come to adoration whether it be for a few minutes or an hour.  One can only imagine what the power of prayer can do especially when praying right in front of the true presence of Christ!  

Well, that is all for now.  May God continue to bless your goodness in this most holy season of Lent.

Fr. David