What a year it has been so far! First the GIANTS win the Super Bowl and then Matthew Kelly from Dynamic Catholic hits a homerun in his morning workshop here last Saturday! First of all, my condolences to all you New England Patriot fans out there. Despite a superior team they have fielded these past years, it just seems the G-Men have their number and thus have bragging rights for the next year! Of course I am not one who likes to "rub it in" but I can hear that song playing in my mind right now "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS" and for that I'm grateful.
Last Saturday Matthew Kelly was outstanding in his presentation on Catholicism and how we can be "better versions of ourselves" as over 800 people gathered together to hear him speak. It was a wonderful shot in the arm for all of us as he reminded all those attending that we are a phenomenal presence in our country and in the world and we need to remember how our Church had been the innovators of medical care, schools, and universities in our history. We have simply blended into our secular society and forgotten our past and have given over our power for change in the future by not being the best version of ourselves. There was so much more but I have limited space here to write about our experience. You can find much of it in his book "Rediscover Catholicism" that is available in our gift shop. I'm already seeing great things happening in our parish since this workshop and it makes me excited to see how much more God has in store for us!
Lastly, as you read this, we are already engaged in our yearly golf tournament at Hunters Green C.C. This year over 135 golfers will be vying to become the "St. Mark golfers of the Year" award which is a wonderful grace in itself. This year we also have a food tent on the 7th hole where not only can they eat some great Italian "sausigge" and peppers but also get a chance to win a trip to Hawaii with a hole-in-one! In addition they will have the opportunity to "Beat the Priest" and win a tee shirt, free confessions for a year, and a sleeve of balls that float on water when you hit it in the lake. It looks like it's going to be a great day! All proceeds go to the construction of our new Church.
Well, that is all for now. Let's keep each other in prayer and continue to be grateful for the blessings that God has given us in this life!
Fr. David