Tuesday, February 1, 2011

CRHP Men's Weekend/New Parking Spaces

Greetings to all of you!
As many of you know, last week we hosted the seventh men's gathering of Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) and I was thrilled to see over 31 men attend! After participating in some of the events, I got a first hand chance to see the Holy Spirit in action, not only in the attendees, but in the team that put on the weekend. There was a glow in all the men, and it goes to show, once we let our guards down, the Holy Spirit will thrive! Congratulations to all the men who attended the retreat, and I can hardly wait to see the growth in holiness that this week's experience started in them. This week, the women of the parish will experience their retreat, so I ask for your prayers for these great ladies as they enter into this divine experience milieu!

Some of you also may have noticed that we have created two new parking spaces (right next to the parking spaces for Clergy) for expectant mothers of the parish. As young a parish as we are, I realize two spaces doesn't quite cut it since we have a good number of expectant mothers, but at least it's a start. Hopefully, the new Church will create more spaces, and the young Church of St. Mark will continue for generations to come! It is one of the ways we, as a Church try to promote life, and we also pray for families in this difficult time to let them know that we care for them.

Speaking of parking spaces, you may have noticed a new car in one of those clergy spaces. Yep, it's mine! One day I made the mistake of checking out the new Honda Fits and stumbled on the Honda Insight Hybrid which supposedly gets great gas mileage and is one of those green innovations for the protection of the environment. I'm having a great time driving it thus far, and it looks like I'm saving lots of gas when I stop and go in this Bruce B. Downs traffic! Monsignor Daly blessed the car for me the other day with his traditional Irish blessing. Then he proceeded to charge me for all his hard work! The Irish always know how to get something out of any act that's good. That's all I'm saying!

Well, that is all for now. Continue to pray for each other!
Fr. David

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