Greetings to all of you!
I’m now back from a short vacation after Easter and, of course, lots of things will be happening in the next few weeks and beyond. Last Saturday, I was able to attend part of the Confirmation retreat with our youth at the Bethany Center. The retreat center is such a great place to get away from the world and all its stresses and be quiet for just a little while. We are so fortunate to have a place like this very near to us in Lutz. Anyway, while there I got the chance to hear confessions, have dinner, and then Mass with our young men and women. Every time I attend an event such as this, I am always amazed at the outstanding youth we have here at St. Mark. They are deeply spiritual and actually care about their world and the faith in which they have been brought up. Their families have done an excellent job in raising such wonderful young men and women!
It has been awhile since you heard from me regarding our Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) and I wish to take this opportunity to update you on our progress thus far and express the importance of reaching our goal of $233,611. Appeal contributions support a variety of causes in our diocese that one parish alone would not be able to handle, such as, Parish and Diocesan ministries, temporal affairs, service to parishes and schools, Catholic Formation and Education of adults, seminarian support, and Social Services/Catholic Charities. So far nearly 500 families have pledged over $134,000 towards our goal and we are almost half way finished for the year. Please, if you haven’t given to the Appeal, I pray that you will because not only does it support so many different areas, but it also helps St. Mark in the process. For every dollar that you contribute is one LESS dollar we have to take from operating funds to meet our assessment. In a couple of weeks I am inviting Shelia Lopez, CEO of Catholic Charities to speak to us about where your sacrifices go to support the ministry of the Gospel. Pledge envelopes are in the Narthex and if you have already contributed, I thank you with a sincere heart!
We continue to work on our plans for a Capital Campaign in January of 2011 when we will begin raising money for our much needed Church. More news will be forthcoming!
I did get on the golf course last Friday for one of those miracle moments when things actually were going well. I lost only one ball and scored in the middle 80’s for the first time in awhile. Maybe this might be a good year after all.
Also, only two cabins remain for our Trip to the Holy Land in October. They tell me this week is the last week to book since the ship is full. Give me a call if you wish more information or wish to go. Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David