Friday, March 19, 2010

Mission/Pastoral Council

Greetings to all of you!

Next week is our annual Parish Mission with Fr. John Murray as our retreat Master. What a great gift to give yourself and your loved ones by taking advantage of this opportunity for spiritual growth. I’m looking forward to listening to his presentation. Please remember we will also will have our Parish Penance Service on Tuesday night, March 23rd, within the retreat itself. Just imagine how ready you will be for that great Easter Sacrament where we celebrate with great wonder the resurrection of Jesus Christ! I hope you will come!
No golf to report on again this week since the rains wiped away any chance to play. However, at least my grass and what flowers that were left after the freezes are beginning to come back to life. Hmm, maybe there might be a homily in there somewhere!

I have been meeting with the Pastoral Council these last few months in which we are putting together some goals and objectives for the future of St. Mark Parish. We will be having a Ministry Workshop on April 24th, in which all heads of the parish ministries will be invited to attend an informational meeting to discuss these issues. A letter will be coming from me to all ministry heads with all the details. I am so proud of what our Pastoral Council has accomplished these past years and it is looking like St. Mark will continue to be one of the premier parishes in the Diocese as we head into the future.

Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.


Fr. David