Greetings to all of you!
It seems like forever since I have been able to write to you due to the bulletin holiday schedule, and now I hope we can get back to a more normal one. Again, this year we had another wonderful Christmas at St. Mark. I appreciate all those who made this wondrous event so memorable. There are so many people behind the scenes that make it all happen, and I am so thankful for all their support and hard work. What a great way to end the year!
As we look forward to 2010, I pray that we will have an even greater year as we move forward here at St. Mark. We are currently laying down plans to raise funds for a new church beginning with a Capital Campaign in January of 2011, which I am looking forward to getting started. Our Pastoral Council is involved in some strategic planning that will tweak the way we do things here in a variety of ways. My hope and prayer for 2010 is that our parish family will continue to deepen their relationship with God through our embracement of the Stewardship way of life. Keep an eye out for some wonderful adult and child educational opportunities and, of course, spiritual retreats and programs. All in all, it looks like another life-giving year at St. Mark, and I hope you take advantage of some or all of them.
In October of this year, we are looking to do another Parish Cruise around the Mediterranean beginning in Rome and making stops in Jerusalem, Alexandria Egypt, Ephesus, Athens, and more. Keep tuned to the parish bulletin and our web-site for further information. It promises to be another great adventure!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David