Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer in Florida

Greetings to all of you!
Now that summer is unofficially here in Florida, with it comes the hot weather and makes it not my most favorite time of year. I always envy those who love the hot weather but it seems God made me with more of a cold blooded nature so I will just have to grin and bare it. Yes, you can call me "wimpy" and I would have to agree with you! I say, "Bring on the Fall!"
We are now heading into the sixth month of our "Year of Prayer" and I hope all of you are taking the time to pray during our busy days. Just taking a minute to be in God's presence every day will certainly change your life! As they say in the commercial, "I guarantee it!"
During this busy time I have been involved with meetings, meetings, and more meetings! Much of it has to do with our new Church and the Family Life Center. I have been working with some outstanding men and women with great ideas regarding the future of our parish. More information will be forthcoming. 
Next week is Pentecost! We will have the privilege of having Bishop Lynch here to Confirm over 90 young men and women at the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass. This is always a huge celebration in our parish and if you can wear red that day, all the more festive. If you normally go to the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass, expect a packed house and a longer service than usual. 

Fr. David


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thank you MaryAnn Weigel and Lorraine Green

Greetings to all of you!
It has been awhile since I last wrote an article and so much happened!  As you can see, we are progressing on our new building.  Although it looks just like a lot of dirt being tossed around, the contractors have been busy doing the work we usually don't see. like the foundation and plumbing.  Hopefully soon we will have the new parking lot finished which will give us more room and eliminate the hassle of finding a spot.  Thank you so much for your patience during this hectic time!  Better times are coming.
As many of you know, MaryAnn Weigel, our Youth Minister is moving to Alabama in the next few weeks.  After 8 years at St.Mark we will miss her greatly and we offer our love and prayers to her and Monty as they venture into a new life.  We thank you MaryAnn for all your wonderful work these past years and please know that you will always be a large part of our St. Mark family.
On a similar note, Lorraine Greene, the leader of our front office staff, will be retiring at the end of June.  She has been a member of our staff here at St. Mark for over 6 years and we will miss her greatly.  It is well known that when God ends one journey, He takes us on another.  We thank Lorraine for her work here these past years and we look forward to see what God has in store for her in retirement.  Well done good and faithful servant!
We also welcome back all our college students, especially our graduates!  It is great seeing them and hearing all about their experiences.  Hope to see you all at Church while you are home.
Well, that is all for now. Enjoy the gift that God has given us in each other.
Fr. David