Greetings to all of you!
As you read this I will have presided over the wedding of my niece Amanda, who is the daughter of my twin brother Frank and his wife, Terri. Moments like these always reaffirm my decision to go into the priesthood and thus be privileged to be a special part in important family life events. We have family coming in from all over to be here and it portends to be a fun event since it has been awhile since I've seen them. The wedding will be in a Catholic Church in Ybor City so I just hope nobody from the family ends up in the slammer after it's all over!
This week we also welcome Fr. Diego who will be working part-time for us mostly with the Spanish ministry. Fr. Diego comes to us from Our Lady of the Rosary and he will be splitting his time between both parishes. He will be here at St. Mark on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and we are thrilled to have him with us! When you see him, give Father a warm St. Mark welcome.
In addition it seems the Holy Spirit is working over time here lately. Not only have we been given permission to break ground and welcomed a new priest, we also have been blessed with individuals who are contemplating the Priesthood and Religious life. Next week, some of them will be traveling to St. John Vianney Seminary in Miami to spend a weekend seeing what it's all about. Please continue to pray for them and for all those who are being called to a religious vocation. God is indeed working here at St. Mark and I hope one day in the near future to have their First Mass here in the new Church!
Well, that is all for now. May God continue to bless the people of St. Mark parish!
Fr. David