Greetings to all of you!
Last Saturday I had the privilege of spending some
time with a group of our St. Mark teenagers on their Confirmation retreat. It
was a great time to talk with them and spend some time eating dinner and
afterwards celebrating Mass with young men that I normally wouldn't be able to
spend quality time with. Needless-to-say I was impressed by their openness and
ability to express themselves in a mature way which made me forget for the time
being that they were still teenagers. We have a remarkable group of young
people in our parish and I give lots of credit to their parents for passing on
their faith, wisdom, and love to these young men and women in these difficult
times. I know it's not easy raising teenagers with all the distractions that
this world brings and you're doing a wonderful job!
After reading in the paper about Tampa ,
specifically Ybor
City , being the home of
the Cuban sandwich, I just had to make a trip down there and take a stroll along
7th Ave
and visit some of the restaurants and wine and cigar bars that proliferate the
city. I did get invited to eat at the Columbia Restaurant on
Sunday night, although it has been many years since I
ate there, and found the food to be wonderful. I also had a half glass of their
wonderful Sangria, ok, a full glass since it was so good (remember the glasses
are small).
Anyway, I had the salad which was a meal in itself
and later the Grouper "El Greco" which was absolutely delicious! Ybor
continues to be quite a place with it's rich history and its "enigmatic
sights." Maybe next time I will go and have one of their great cigars that
everybody talks about and watch all the
interesting people go by! As I write this, we are
having a nice cool wave sweeping over our area and I
can't wait to get my bike out there on the trails
once again! You might call me a "fair weather biker" since I don't
like doing anything outside when it's hot when I just feel like I'm melting. As
a matter of fact, I think I lost a few inches of height in the last few years
and I'm starting to look like Danny DeVito! I'm
just saying......!
Well, that is all for now. Continue to enjoy the gift
that God has given us in each other!
Fr. David